white belt for life?


White Belt
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
I do not care too much about belt color, but I do not want to be a white belt for life. I am in the military and move every 18-24 months, with that being said, will I most likely be stuck as a white belt?
No. If your skills progress so will your belt colour. Rank is predominantly determined by skill. Some instructors will wait until you've been there a little while, but I'd be surprised if it got to be as long as a year (once you've developed some skill). Depending on your abilities many schools would typically promote in the 18-24month timeframe you are looking at anyhow.
Don't stress your belt color that much.
I started less than a month ago in an MMA program and my instructor is letting me test for my first belt (yellow) on May 6th. I do have a little previous martial arts experience, but not for 18 years!!! I probably hit harder than many of the other white belts and have pretty good technique, but I can think of at least one other that is probably better than myself.

I would just express this concern when shopping for a school. There is absolutely no reason (unless you totally suck) why a person shouldn't be able to test for at least one belt in a year. If you feel you're reasonably skilled and your instructor holds you back that much, then you're monthly income to him and not a student he's serious about imparting his knowledge on. If someone is milking you...walk! Also ask about school infiliations and stuff. For example, I am studying under a black belt from Dan Inosanto and, hopefully, I'll have an orange belt by the end of the year and, when I move in November, find a school that will respect my rank and allow me to continue progressing.
I started less than a month ago in an MMA program and my instructor is letting me test for my first belt (yellow) on May 6th. I do have a little previous martial arts experience, but not for 18 years!!! I probably hit harder than many of the other white belts and have pretty good technique, but I can think of at least one other that is probably better than myself.

I would just express this concern when shopping for a school. There is absolutely no reason (unless you totally suck) why a person shouldn't be able to test for at least one belt in a year. If you feel you're reasonably skilled and your instructor holds you back that much, then you're monthly income to him and not a student he's serious about imparting his knowledge on. If someone is milking you...walk! Also ask about school infiliations and stuff. For example, I am studying under a black belt from Dan Inosanto and, hopefully, I'll have an orange belt by the end of the year and, when I move in November, find a school that will respect my rank and allow me to continue progressing.
Belts in MMA? Ok...
BJJ belts are completely different. There are only 3 belts in between white and black, and there are standards to uphold.
Belts in MMA is kind of odd since they really wouldn't mean anything outside of your school because they just aren't that common. With BJJ it is a standardized thing so holding a belt should hopefully mean you would hold that belt regardless of what bjj school you went to.
Belt testing in MMA? IME there is only one kind of belt in MMA, the one they give you AFTER you win your fight. They vary alot in value and quality, but any other kind of belt is worthless and meaningless IMO.
If you're somewhere for a year and a half to two years, you'll likely be promoted to where you should be within that time.
Why is that so hard to believe? I'm testing for 12th dan in my MMA program next month.


wrong belt :icon_neut

the belts in mma are a little harder to get, and you can lose them easily if you don't stay sharp
After seeing black belts putting on a blue belt to compete, I really just stopped caring about belts. Just train, and use that knowledge to protect yourself, your loved ones, and just have fun.
After seeing black belts putting on a blue belt to compete, I really just stopped caring about belts. Just train, and use that knowledge to protect yourself, your loved ones, and just have fun.

????? care to share a story ????
saw a couple of vids of black belts rolling with other colored belts
Theres a white belt at my old club who can beat the hell out of just about everybody, has been doing judo for about 20 years. Same kinda reason, always busy or away when the gradings are on, he doesnt care though, doesnt compete but can give everyone hell who pairs off with him.