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Opinion Which US president was the most badass?

Most badass US president?

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Deus Magnus Est
Apr 23, 2020
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I recently reread a Cracked article on the subject and figured I would put it to a vote here. I made some minor adjustments to summerize and added better pictures. Link to the original article is here: https://www.cracked.com/article_15895_cracked-classic-the-5-most-badass-presidents-of-all-time.html

5: Andrew Jackson

When the 1828 election rolled around, a lot of people were terrified when they heard Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson was running. If you're wondering how a guy we're calling a bad ass got such a lame nickname, it's because he used to carry a hickory cane around and beat people senseless with it, and if you're wondering why he did that, it's because he was a fucking lunatic.

Beat his assassin:
Andrew Jackson was the first president on whom an assassination attempt was made. A man named Richard Lawrence approached Jackson with two pistols both of which, for some reason, misfired. With the possibility of an assassination taken off the table, Jackson proceeded to beat Lawrence near death.

"I have only two regrets: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C. Calhoun."

That's right. In a life rich with murdering people for little-to-no reason, Jackson's only regret was that he didn't kill quite enough people. People like Calhoun who, it should be noted, was Jackson's vice president

4: JFK

Plagued with a bad back his entire life, Kennedy was disqualified from service in the army. Instead of using this as an excuse to pursue the decidedly more sane strategy of staying the fuck away from explody things, Kennedy had his dad pull a few strings so he could sneak his way into the navy, where he eventually became a lieutenant.

Nailed countless women:
While almost no two sources are in agreement as to just how much tail Kennedy snagged, historian John Richard Stephens says that "Kennedy confided with friends that he could only be satisfied with three women a day."

JFK's sexual conquests allegedly include Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Jayne Mansfield, Angie Dickenson, Brazilian actress Florinda Bolkan, famous burlesque stripper, and rap name pioneer Blaze Starr. There are even rumors that he also had sex with his insanely hot wife once in a while too.

War Hero:
In August of 1943, while serving as skipper of the PT-109, Kennedy's boat was ripped in two by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri. Kennedy and his crew were tossed into the water and surrounded by flames. Kennedy, despite a chronic back injury and an even more chronic boning-induced-exhaustion, managed to swim four hours to safety while towing an injured crewman by the life jacket strap with his teeth

3: John Quincy Adams

With his father away from home most of the time busying himself with the rebel cause, Adams, at age eight, was the man of the house. As if ensuring the safety and prosperity of an entire house before you even hit puberty isn't daunting enough, Adams had to do it all during a fucking war. He, in fact, often talked about watching the battle of Bunker Hill from his front porch, constantly worried about being, as he wrote in his diary, "butchered in cold blood, or taken and carried...as hostages by any foraging or marauding detachment of British soldiers." Remember when you were eight and you worried about missing Pokemon? Yeah. If you're feeling, perhaps, a little wet right now, it's because the ghost of an eight year old John Quincy Adams is pissing all over you as you read this.

Great shape:
Adams also maintained a strict, Rocky-like regiment of constant exercise that included a swift swim across the Potomac every morning. Even at 58 years old, Adams could reportedly swim the width of the Potomac in an hour. Also, the nudity; Adams famously exercised and swam nude, presumably, in case he ever came across some emergency that needed immediate boning while out exercising

Pet Alligator:
Also, since we're talking about ridiculous things that JQA did that have nothing to do with being president, he kept a pet alligator in the East Wing of the White House. That actually probably came in handy for some of that shrewd negotiating

"The art of making love, muffled up in furs, in the open air, with the thermometer at Zero, is a Yankee invention."

2: George Washington

As described by Thomas Jefferson, George Washington "was naturally irritable" and when his temper "broke its bonds, he was most tremendous in his wrath." One time, in fact, he became "much inflamed got into one of those passions when he cannot command himself." Witnesses agreed that, after these sudden bursts of rage, Washington generally became calm and amiable again. Sound like anyone you know? Anyone, incredible, perhaps? (It's the Incredible Hulk.) The Iroquois Indians affectionately nicknamed Washington "Caunotaucarius," which translates to either "Town Destroyer" or "Devourer of Villages." We were really hoping it translated to "One Who, (When Angry), You Will Not Like" so we'd have more evidence for this whole Incredible Hulk thing, but "Town Destroyer" is pretty cool too, we guess.

Fought in the front:
Washington was always at the frontlines in any of the many battles he took part in and there are countless stories of Washington returning from battle with bullet holes in his uniform, or without a horse, (it having been shot from under him), but he always remained unharmed. As a general, he believed, (like the always-screaming Leonidas), in the strength of small numbers. Typically both a loner and rebel, Washington preferred a small band of dedicated warriors over large armies any day of the week and he won plenty of battles when the odds were decidedly not in his favor. He once wrote that "Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all."

"I heard the bullets whistle and, believe me, there is something charming to the sound of bullets."

1: Teddy "The Trust Buster" Roosevelt

He was a cattle rancher, a deputy sheriff, an explorer, a police commissioner, the assistant Secretary of the Navy, the governor of New York, and a war hero. Out of all of his jobs, hobbies and passions, Roosevelt always had a special spot in his heart for unadulterated violence. In 1898, Roosevelt formed the first U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, known as the Rough Riders. Most people already know of the Rough Riders and their historic charge up San Juan Hill, but few know that, since their horses had to be left behind, the Riders made this charge entirely on foot. You just could not stop this man from violencing the hell out of a San Juan Hill.

Boxer, Jujitsu, Armed at all times:
He strolled through the White House with a pistol on his person at all times, though, with his black belt in jujitsu and his history as a champion boxer he didn't need it

-Kept a bear and a lion at the White House as pets
Roosevelt received letters from army cavalrymen complaining about having to ride 25 miles a day for training and, in response, Teddy rode horseback for 100 miles, from sunrise to sunset, at 51 years old, effectively rescinding anyone's right to complain about anything, ever again.

Delivered speech after getting shot:
While campaigning for a third term, Roosevelt was shot by a madman and, instead of treating the wound, delivered his campaign speech with the bleeding, undressed bullet hole in his chest

"Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been awake there would have been a fight."
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Washington. Because he didn't want it.

For legit badassery maybe Teddy(boxer/wrestler), Abe(catch wrestler) and Taft(HW collegiate wrestler).
Thedore Roosevelt also did Judo and an earlier form of Jiu Jitsu. He loved combat sports.

But his badassery goes far beyond that. Joining the military when he was 40, charging up San Juan Hill with the Rough Riders, getting shot and still continuing his speech with the bullet in him, exploring the Amazon post-presidency and almost dying, etc.
Teddy was tough. Gave and finished a speech right after being shot. That's the definition of badass.

But JFK had the bigger balls. He dared to publicly expose secret societies, aka Deep State, on TV, in front of the whole world. He got shot for that. Fatally.
I read somewhere that the reason there were no major wars during Teddy's presidency, is he couldn't stand the thought of everyone else having fun while he was stuck in the White House;)

Also, there's a picture of young Teddy Roosevelt with sideburns, giving a Death Glare to the camera, and he looks like fucking Wolverine:eek:
Teddy was tough. Gave and finished a speech right after being shot. That's the definition of badass.

But JFK had the bigger balls. He dared to publicly expose secret societies, aka Deep State, on TV, in front of the whole world. He got shot for that. Fatally.
lol. None of this is true.

JFK saving a man during WW2 by swimming like 4 miles while dragging him along, after their boat was destroyed by the Japanese, is badass.

The gibberish around his assassination is nonsense.
Teddy was tough. Gave and finished a speech right after being shot. That's the definition of badass.

But JFK had the bigger balls. He dared to publicly expose secret societies, aka Deep State, on TV, in front of the whole world. He got shot for that. Fatally.

The only two choices in this really. Indeed Roosevelt was a “badass” but he did toe the line when it really counted so not very badass in the scheme of things. It’s tough to choose between the two. Not that I wouldn’t have advocated the Guillotine for all of those on the list ;)
Ulysses S Grant.

Good call. IIRC, some of Grant's fellow officers wrote to Lincoln to complain about the General's drinking. Lincoln replied,

"I wish one of you could tell me what Grant's favourite whiskey is, as I would like to send a barrel of it to each of my other Generals":cool:
lol. None of this is true.

JFK saving a man during WW2 by swimming like 4 miles while dragging him along, after their boat was destroyed by the Japanese, is badass.

The gibberish around his assassination is nonsense.

What, you're telling me HYDRA didn't send the Winter Soldier to shoot JFK from the Grassy Knoll?

I read somewhere that the reason there were no major wars during Teddy's presidency, is he couldn't stand the thought of everyone else having fun while he was stuck in the White House;)

Also, there's a picture of young Teddy Roosevelt with sideburns, giving a Death Glare to the camera, and he looks like fucking Wolverine:eek:

badass of the week round ups
Once upon a time, George Washington was awesome. He was not only the first President of the United States but also the commander of the American Revolutionary Army and one of the reasons why the United States version of Democracy actually managed to take root.

George Washington grew up in Virginia and got his start as a Colonel of Colonial Forces in the French and Indian (Seven Years') War, where he went out into the woods and beat the holy living hell out of a bunch of French soldiers. When he gained a foothold in French territory in the West of Virginia, they called for reinforcements and completely surrounded his fortress, forcing him to surrender. So what did he do? He went out into the woods and ambushed any French units that came his way. He personally would punch French ministers in the mouth and then hold them upside down by their feet while all their change fell out of their fruity coin purses so that he could send the money back the Britain to help pay for the crown jewels. Eventually, the French realized he was awesome and they gave up trying to fight him.

Many years later, the American colonies decided to secede from Great Britain and the British people really got their crumpets in a teabag about it. So once again the colonies called on George Washington to save their asses, and he met the invading British army at Boston. Unfortunately, Washington was sick on the day of the battle so he sent his troops out to fight for him and they got their asses kicked because they didn't have any bullets or shoes or anything, so he had to retreat to Delaware because he knew that the British would never want to go there. Then, when the British were camped out for Christmas, George Washington donned his battle gear and sailed across the Delaware river and into the British camp.


Washington brought only himself, his boat, a boombox blasting N.W.A.'s "Straight Outta Compton" album and his trusty Dragon Katana and was preparted to dish out cold justice. When the British looked up from their evening tea time, crumpets, footers and cricket games they saw Washington crash the boat into some rocks, somersault out and then start wasting redcoats.

General Cornwallis saw what was going on and pulled out his dueling sabre to battle Washington, but GW just chopped it in half with the Dragon Katana and then kicked Cornwallis off a cliff onto some rocks. Eventually the British had enough of getting wrecked and surrendered.

The Americans realized Washington was better than all of them and they elected him King. GW was like, "Dude, we just got rid of a king. How about I be the President insead?" and America thought that was a pretty cool idea. He ran the show for a couple of years and then when everyone was like "George you are awesome. You should rule our country for life" he told everyone that he had better things to do than waste his time being the leader of all of us. So he stepped down and went off to free all of his slaves and battle injustice around the country.

And that's why the United States is a Democracy. George Washington rules. He's the greatest President ever, and he KNOWS that when you're talking Priority Mail, you're talking 2-3 days, $3.20.

A while ago I posted an update about George Washington, mentioning how he was one of the most badass Presidents in American history. Well contrary to popular belief being a great president isn't just all about cutting British people up with a Dragon Katana and assaulting random unsuspecting Frenchmen. Theodore Roosevelt didn't do any of that and he was still one of the most face-smashing, rough-riding, badass dudes to grace the Oval Office with his awesomeness. Here's a bulletized, easily-digestible list of all the insane shit you probably didn't know about our 26th President.

  • Teddy Roosevelt suffered from Athsma and severe nearsightedness, but still managed to kick more ass than a six-legged robotic ass-kicking machine with the "kick asses" dial set to eleven. He spoke French and German fluently, studied in Europe, wrote numerous literary works and got his degree on scholarship from Harvard University (which is a pretty good school, I guess).

  • While he was at Harvard one of his professors got super pissed at him for being so awesome and yelled, "See here Roosevelt, I am the one teaching this class!" I'm not sure what happened next, but my guess is that TR threw a chair out the window and punched his professor in the mouth.

  • When he asked his girlfriend Alice Hathaway Lee to marry him, she said no. This didn't deter him and made him go out of his way to be even more kickass. The second time he asked her she agreed, because everybody knows that a badass like TR always gets the girl in the end. For their honeymoon, they went mountain climbing because they were even more Xtreme than Tony Hawk is when he's drunk at 3AM and decides he's going to try and ollie over a fifteen foot-tall statue of Jesus.

  • TR knew how to pose for awesome pictures:
    • He was the youngest person to ever become a state representative for New York when he was elected at age 23. For reference, I spent the majority of my 23rd year drunk on a couch eating chips, playing Halo and watching SeaLab 2021.

    • When his wife and mother died on the same day (Valentine's Day 1884), Teddy ditched everything and moved out West (Clint Eastwood-style) to try and kick ass like a cowboy.

    • While he was out West, some douchebag named Mike Finnegan and his gang stole TR's boat. Instead of crying like a girl about it, Roosevelt pursued them for two weeks through the Dakota Badlands, kicked their asses, handed them over to the authorities and got his boat back.

    • He returned to New York and was made commissioner of the NYPD. Instead of being a pussy and hiding in his office all day like the commish on Batman, TR went undercover as a beat cop and walked the streets of New York trying to catch policemen slacking off or taking bribes. If he busted them in the act, he fired them, punched them in the mouth and then stuffed them into a garbage can.

    • President McKinley made Roosevelt the Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1897. When the Spanish sunk the USS Maine off the coast of Cuba while his boss was on vacation, TR sent Admiral Dewey to the Philippines to take out the Spanish Navy. Roosevelt then declared a state of War with Spain, despite the fact the he had absolutely no authority to do so. Acting on Roosevelt's orders, Dewey then sunk the entire Spanish fleet at Manila in about four hours.

    • Immediately after issuing the declaration of War and giving the Spanish Armada a one-way all-expenses-paid trip to the bottom of the fucking ocean, Roosevelt resigned his post as Assistant Secretary and formed his own volunteer cavalry regiment called the "Rough Riders". He took anybody who wanted to join, regardless of race or creed, and headed out to Cuba to whomp asses. At the Battle of San Juan Hill, the decisive battle that sealed the American victory in Cuba, Roosevelt won the Congressional Medal of Honor for "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity" and was promoted to Colonel.
      • When he returned as a war hero, Roosevelt decided to run for Governor of New York. Since the New Yorkers knew that TR was going to clean out all the corruption in town, George Steinbrenner and Brian Cashman decided to instead nominate him as a candidate for Vice President, a post where he presumably wouldn't have any power to do anything. The McKinley-Roosevelt ticket won, and McKinley was assassinated almost immediately. TR became President on 9/14/1901.

      • As President, Roosevelt settled strikes, broke up powerful trusts, built the Panama Canal, desegregated Japanese schoolchildren in California, fought to preserve the independence of South American countries from Europe and worked to conserve the American outdoors by commissioning numerous state parks. He also invited Booker T. Washington to chill at the White House, marking the first time a black man had ever eaten dinner as an official guest at the White House.

      • TR won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the end to the Russo-Japanese War. How many people in history can claim that they won both the Nobel Peace Prize for making peaceful and harmonious shit happen as well as the Congressional Medal of Honor for kicking asses and possibly even taking names?

      • Just to prove how awesome he was TR built a huge fleet of white battleships and sailed it around the world, making sure to stop at the ports of any nation that thought it could possibly kick the US's ass just to prove to them that they couldn't.

      • His personal philosophy was "walk softly and carry a big stick (to kick asses with)", which goes up there with "live for revenge" and "cheat to win" as one of the three best personal philosophies ever devised.

      • He stood outside and gave a two-hour speech in Milwaukee immediately after being shot in the chest in an assassination attempt. It was only after the speech ended that he went to the hospital to get the bullet removed.

      • TR went on an African Safari in 1909 and put an expedition together to explore the Amazon in 1913. While in the Amazon rain forest he battled disease, heat and hostile tribesmen before discovering a new river, the Rio Teodoro, and returning home in 1914.

      • After his death, a notable politician remarked, "Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been awake there would have been a fight".
      Basically, TR was awesome. He succeeded at everything he attempted, could fight and ride with the best of them, and was essentially one of (if not the) most badass political figures in American history. If you're interested in learning more about the magical time when American Presidents were American Badasses, this page has a great biography of Roosevelt.