Social Which one street drug should they make legal?

Which one street drug should they make legal?

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Mexico had all sorts of fun pills and injectable vials like steroids and ketamine available at pharmacy.

I bought morphine, Valium, K, all sorts of fun shit.
And weed there is illegal lol
Molly is the best feeling drug but is dangerous.

I personally think any creative person who writes or draws or makes music should try LSD at least once. I would vote that.
Props to both of you for a civilized debate of a touchy subject. I think everyone's heart is in the right place.

Just throwing my unsolicited $0.02 in, but I think one of the reasons this is comlicated is that it is human nature to see a problem and want to address or fix it but

A) people are extremely complex and represent very wide ranges of different behaviors and experiences.

B) there likely isnt a single blanket answer or policy that will help everyone.

I did live like that. I was an addict too, not as long as you were, but for close to 10 years. After I overcame my addictions,I took some specialized education courses and got involved in substance abuse treatment by working at a treatment center. So I know what it’s like to be an addict, I know what it takes to overcome an addiction, and I also know what it takes to help others do the same in a residential treatment center setting, which I did for several years. I know what you mean when you say someone who hasn’t lived it is out of their depth discussing it, or wouldn’t truly understand it—but that wouldn’t be the case with me.

I only occasionally mention working in the field of substance abuse treatment, and even more rarely mention my own past issues. Partially because of the stigma that addicts face, but mostly because it just isn’t anyone’s business.

I don't let that stigma dictate how I discuss these things, because I feel like people want me to hide my thoughts.
You can see that I never hide who, or what I am or was.

We all have a story and by sharing that story, we help people that we didn't even intend on helping.
It also helps us deal with all the things we did to ourselves and those around us.

I have been clean for 16 years, and every time I talk about it I learn something new about everything.

I went through many programs, and ended up doing it myself, which of course I almost died from.
I tell you that doing it myself and having nobody there to hold my hand is what made me stop.

Much love brother, don't ever take this as me being a cunt to you, as I assure you that its not.

"Peace is not the absence of chaos, its how we deal with the chaos that creates real peace." ~HH
I believe Marijuana is pretty much legal now in many places. So I'd say MDMA. Would love cocaine, but I think it's too intense for people.

Feel free to suggest what drugs.

LSD/Mushrooms too many societal problems from people needing their brains re-mapped and making it my problem.