Which Country/Region has the strongest people?


Oct 18, 2016
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Just curious what others think about this. I'm sure there's really no definite answer, but I'd love to hear yal's input.

Based off of appearance; here's my list:
1) Southern Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, eastern turkey, and NW Iran (this is kind of all 1 region)
2) Western Africa
3) Iceland
4) Samoan
5) Cuba

#1 people tend to have an average build with very wide shoulders
#2 I think you see more lean and vascular people
#3 Are just giants heavy and tall with good frames
#4 I just think of power (size and speed), but not necessarily the vanity muscles due to a higher body fat %
#5 Is really a melting pot of a lot of different genetics resulting in people like Yoel
The Cubans have “good” genetics due to the slave trade (the notorious sugar plantations). Notice Yoel is a black Cuban, aka his ancestors were brought there as slaves, and likely bred.
Iran easily, they got small guys who can do huge Olympic lifts for their size.

Also tough as hell in wrestling and judo.
Samoans are supposedly freakishly strong. Everyone else listed uses roids so it’s hard to say.
americans are the fattest people in the world. so they carry a lot of average extra weight on a daily basis. you have to be very strong to carry hundreds of pounds of bodyfat all the time.

You'd want a country with large average height and good health. Remember, you're looking for averages, rather than the country that produces the most champions at the Olympics.

You're also going to want a place with either lots of manual labor, or a tradition of resistance training / other exercise.

It's probably a first- or former second-world nation. A smaller one is more likely than a larger one, since a small country would be less diverse culturally, diet-wise, and genetically, so any differences from the rest of the world would be accentuated.

It's probably one of the "Nordic" countries, which according to the European Social Survey get the most exercise in Europe. They also have strength sports, appear to be healthy based on long lifespans, and are physically bigger people if the average height stats are believed.
Samoans for sure dude, they're all endomorhps and put on muscle and fat at the same time, dudes are huge
Do you just want me to give you my home address?
americans are the fattest people in the world. so they carry a lot of average extra weight on a daily basis. you have to be very strong to carry hundreds of pounds of bodyfat all the time.

who gives a fuck !!!!!!…… I would rather be with a patriot than some leftie that disses the United States of America.



<Dany07> jk.
I thought samoans were good at rugby but not as strong as icelandic. Anyway a antropologist said once Indoeuropeans were the stronngest in general.
Just curious what others think about this. I'm sure there's really no definite answer, but I'd love to hear yal's input.

Based off of appearance; here's my list:
1) Southern Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, eastern turkey, and NW Iran (this is kind of all 1 region)
2) Western Africa
3) Iceland
4) Samoan
5) Cuba

#1 people tend to have an average build with very wide shoulders
#2 I think you see more lean and vascular people
#3 Are just giants heavy and tall with good frames
#4 I just think of power (size and speed), but not necessarily the vanity muscles due to a higher body fat %
#5 Is really a melting pot of a lot of different genetics resulting in people like Yoel

In all honesty what part of the world you are born may play a small part in your general physique and strength, it by no means is the end all be all, you're as strong as you're willing to allow yourself to become, it al about discipline, sure some races have greater bone density and what not, its all about how bad do you want it and how much you're willing to give, the best mma fighters are not the strongest, fastest ect ect, they just train harder and smarter
What a dumpster fire this place has become.

I don't know if I remember correctly, but I think back in 2009'ish the S&C forum was super strict in its moderating. Anything not following forum rules by the letter was removed right away. Place was pretty advanced, as I recall.

Nowadays half the thread titles are in the vein of "I can't find my performance briefs, has anyone seen them?"

They're on your head, stupid.
I Agree with the first description. Its a close battle and people have different strengths and weaknesses.

Though if we measure by Natural strength and versatility(No steroids involved). Pound for Pound I would say most of the Caucasus origins, which includes alle the southern Russian States and Georgia. You also find some of the worlds best wrestlers and lifters in this region(Pound for pound).
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I Agree with the first description. Its a close battle and people have different strengths and weaknesses.

Though if we measure by Natural strength and versatility(No steroids involved). Pound for Pound I would say most of the Caucasus origins, which includes alle the southern Russian States and Georgia. You also find some of the worlds best wrestlers and lifters in this region(Pound for pound).

Welcome (back maybe?) to the forum! Thanks for reviving this one!

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