The big 3 are Russia, USA and Brazil. No questions asked. I'd say Australia, Poland, UK are probably 2nd tier. After that you got Kazakhstan, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, New Zealand, Mexico, Canada and Georgia. I'd say places like France, Uzbekistan, Korea, Peru, Argentina, China are sorta...either on the rise or the fall in a noticeable way. And I'd like to say some places like Mongolia, Cuba, Ukraine, Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan are all places that have real potential but just don't seem to have picked up the sport quite yet.
Those are probably all the countries I see as MMA countries or with lots of potential to become ones with the latter 4. I know they've been trying hard with India and Indonesia but I don't really think it's there. Places like Nigeria, Senegal, Cameroon just don't produce talent besides the occasional immigrant who fought, trained and lived in some other country for his entire career. I'd love to see more infrastructure for MMA in Africa but Boxings been around a while and there's still not. I also think the UFC tried a little with Germany and Sweden but again...culturally I just don't think they're too up for it. Slavic countries don't seem to produce a ton either like Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia but occasional talent does pop up. Thailand and Cambodia have great striking arts and culture but don't seem to fuck with MMA much either.