Where I live (Please Don't Archive this)


Bruce Lovely


There she is. Beautiful isn't it? Notice Putz's home is right below mine. He lives in Squirrel Hill. There are a lot of Jews in Squirrel Hill
On second thought, she came up pretty Goddamn ugly.



If that doesn't reek of mild-manners, I don't know what does.
didn't i see you bring your family into this bar once?

I live in a Emu Farm, just outside Dunottar Castle.
OUCH, that was the night I snuck Ed Taylor in and he drank everyone under the table. He still had room for his midnight turtle eggs, which made most people throw up.
gotta think of ed's and sid's futures....

i live in a trailer park...got a view of the space needle.
Originally posted by Bruce Lovely
OUCH, that was the night I snuck Ed Taylor in and he drank everyone under the table. He still had room for his midnight turtle eggs, which made most people throw up.

shit, i thought those were just UNused 'pons. my mistake