When did standing elbows become so popular in MMA?


Black Belt
Jul 31, 2011
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When ever I see elbows in MMA, they're usually used in Ground & Pound or as an exit from the clinch. Now I've noticed in the past couple of years or so that people are now starting throw elbows standing as if they were throwing a barrage of pucnhes or in Chris Weidmans case, an overhand. Below are some examples of some recent standing elbow finishes.



Recently. They were frequently brought up for a decade around here, with people wondering why they weren't being used. I think David Loiseau was the first guy who was really well known for using standing elbows.
Loiseau paved the way for using elbows as finishers.
Standing elbows just remind me of Urijah Faber vs Mike Brown where Urijah broke his hands early on and just tried to throw elbows at Brown
I've noticed that alot more lately too. It's like fighters are seeing them for the first time and thinking "You know what I should try that"

Weird that they haven't been used nearly as much in the past
They've been used obviously but there has been a lot more chatter since JBJ used them as it usually is in the same conversation as his reach. (edit) And JBJ is popular in the media.

It was kind of like the "jab" when GSP beat Kos, though that has pretty much gone away.
They've always been used, just not that many people utilize them. I remember Marvin Eastman using em on Rampage (to no avail :( )
it seems Muay thai has become a necessary part of most fighters training these days,
its the ideal standup base that translates well to mma
Seems like it's picked up since Jones landed the great standing elbows on Rashad.

He's obviously used elbows for a while on the feet, but I can't remember him really throwing them like punches before that.
As with most violent fight ending strikes Anderson has led the way.

His was smooth, precise and fight ending.

The elbows that are being thrown today are more like punches.

man that weidman elbow is slick, gets him swinging with the feint and slides a vertical elbow in there. gorgeous.
Seems like it's picked up since Jones landed the great standing elbows on Rashad.

He's obviously used elbows for a while on the feet, but I can't remember him really throwing them like punches before that.

probably more like when he landed the spinning elbow on bonnar
I think its just the natural evolution of the sport. They are a devastatingly effective strike, and were bound to make a jump in popularity sooner or later.