Whats your workout


White Belt
Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Personally i start out with
Sprints 10 suicides
Jump rope 5 min
Power overs 10
Speed overs 10
situps 60
pushups 60
Bike around block as fast as possible

Speed Bag 7 min
Heavy bag 5 min
slipping 3 min
kicking 5 min
shin conditioning 60 reps bottle

some days ill add about 30-70 min of weight training to
5x3 minute rounds

each round begins with 2 minutes of skipping with footwork, sprint for the last 30 seconds.

For the last minute of rounds 1, 3, and 5 do 30 seconds of burpees, and 30 seconds of speed pushups. For rounds 2, and 4 do 30 seconds of squats, and 30 seconds of thai crunches or bicycles.

then I move to my Bas Rutten tapes.
on a day like today when i didnt get to spar or do mitt/bag work i usually do something like this in my garage:

one four minute tabata with burpees, jump squats or kettlebell swings.

5-6 3 minute rds of 100 skip ropes follwed by 25 pushups, repeated

active rest between rounds (30 sec)

10 minutes of ab/core work at end

its not as intense as my gym workouts but effective 30-40 minute workout nonetheless.
crossfit.com + HIIT running + 5x5 lifting, in various combinations
Ross warrior challenges is gold, Bears, the conditioning challenges is great.
How would a overweight man start working out? Was too tired to work out for years, fell asleep all the time. Finally, docs figured out I have sleep apnea. Now I feel alot better and want to undo this tragic weight gain.
crossfit.com is a good website for workouts. Also, when you are resting in the evenings and watching t.v. try to hold a squat through the entire commercial break, and then the next commercial break do pushups, and so on. Don't make this your perminent workout obviously because it doesn't keep the intensity up but it is a good filler.
crossfit.com is a good website for workouts. Also, when you are resting in the evenings and watching t.v. try to hold a squat through the entire commercial break, and then the next commercial break do pushups, and so on. Don't make this your perminent workout obviously because it doesn't keep the intensity up but it is a good filler.

Thank you very much. That is a great site.
Muay Thai 2 times per week.
BJJ & Judo 2 times per week.
Bill Starr 5 x 5 3 times per week.
HIIT training 2 times per week.
Bas Rutten Muay thai disc 2x per week
Tabatta drills 1x per week
Machine cardio drills 3x per week
Bas Rutten all around workout 1x per week
Boxing training 1x per week
Live shark group drills 1x per week.
Sprint/running drills 1x per week.
100 rope skips
20 12lb medicine ball burpees
10 med ball slams
8 x 20yd sled pulls
3-6 2 mins rounds freestyle heavy bag
25 rope skips with 25 pushups/25 situps/25 squats for 3 sets
then every other day breathing ladders with 115lb barbell up to 20