What's The Dumbest Thing Dana Has Ever Said?

By far the stupidest thing he has said is the nonsense about the popularity of Power Slap IMO.

It's not only the most absurd thing he has ever said, it's one of the most obviously false things anyone has ever said.

I'm not sure if he actually believed it or if he was just assuming Power Slap fans are literally braindead, but this statement is completely ludicrous and easily debunked.
A promoter is very similar to a politician in the sense that they're professional bullshit artists

Anything they say should be taken with a grain of salt, Dana himself might have a completely different take off the record, but knows the game he's playing, he knows which pots to stir and when.

Very little of what Dana says is dumb because it all serves the bottom line for the company and his goals as a promoter.

Even whatever unhinged rants we can dig up over the past decade are part of his Schick and what make him such a popular figure himself.

In reality, Dana is much smarter than most people probably realize.
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Dana White comparing the UFC website getting hacked to 9/11 is pretty damn stupid.

haha I was going to suggest his recent comments about him being the lone voice in the wilderness defending Mighty Mouse back in the day was bad but I had totally forgot about his 9/11 comparison. That is so much more insane. Thank you for posting.
I don’t know but I’m going to take a huge crap right about now.
Tbh I don't really pay much attention to the shit Dana White says, much less hold onto quotes.
Tbh I don't really pay much attention to the shit Dana White says, much less hold onto quotes.
We are the bitter, the maladjusted and wise. Fighting off a generation too uptight. We're all dressed up with nobody to kill. The rhetoric stops tonight. I'm overthrown. I'm over your throne. I'm over it.

-Dana White

For me, I will never forgive Dana White for calling Michael Bisping vs Mayhem Miller one of the most "one sided fights in UFC history".

The stupidity of this statement is difficult to convey.

For one, most media outlets scored round 1 of Miller/Bisping for Miller, including both Sherdog and MMAJunkie. Considering Miller won the first round, I don't know how anyone can possibly describe the fight as "one sided", let alone the most one sided in history.

Secondly, literally two hours earlier, Johnny Bedford beat the living fuck out of Louis Gaudinot in what is actually a serious contender for the most one-sided beatdown in MMA history. If you've never seen it, Merry Christmas and thank me later -- and then watch Brandao vs Bermudez while you're at it.
Some of the things he said about Ngannou stand out for me
the Ronda days were dumb.... and all hype

dana put way to much into all that shit... wmma sucks
My favorite is the punishment for slapping his wife. All the high horsing this guy did about never laying hands on a woman. After that him and Jones have been tight as ever.