I grew up in northeastern Ohio, and the following story is true.
About 16 years ago I guess, my brother and I were driving into Cleveland. We pulled up to a stop light with one car in front of us and witnessed one of the most bizarre occurrences I've experienced in my life. Inside the car ahead of us, we saw two people who were visibly in an argument of sorts. The driver opened his door and got out. He then opened the back seat and pulled out "The Club," a notorious anti-theft apparatus from the 90's, and then walked around to open the passenger side where he proceeded to beat the ever-loving shit out of his fellow man.
There were dull thuds and screams, muffled by the windows that my brother and I both thoroughly inspected to ensure they were fucking up, UP, GODDAMMIT. The man threw The Club on the ground, closed the door and walked around to get back in, after which the two of them drove off together.
The most disturbing and (I suppose now) hysterical thing about it, is that as they drove off, the driver put his arm around the seat of the passenger, evoking a casual and familiar sentiment. Almost as if this was business as usual for the chums. It was truly an odd contrast in light of what had just transpired.
My brother and I looked at each other and went home.
Cleveland... is for LOVERS.