What's happening on this forum???


Purple Belt
Sep 24, 2004
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Guys, this is the first time since I came on sherdog, that I see a thread closed. And I'm talking about the "BJJ for real self defense?" one.
There were some nice arguments, everybody was polite and suddenly closed. I understand that Mirada doesn't like this forum anymore, but he's free to move to any other forum that fits his needs. I don't want any thread to turn into "post some porn" or "save the thread with chicks". We have OT for that. I want to discuss grappling here.
I really appreciate Superbeast, but his attitude on that thread was wrong. He could throw it to wasteland or even better don't post anymore on the thread.
There were some real good informations about how people train in their gyms, how they faced a dangerous situation on the street etc.
We can't make threads were everybody agrees with the author. That's totalitarian comunism. And belive me, I know very well how is that.
Can I have your opinion on this?
i haven't been here much but it has been ok superbeast is good bu i neva see mirada
its just a guess, but that thread was closed because it is 1) fucking obnoxious and b) beat to death.
No, I agree. It seems they close any thread that we finally get a good debate going.
I basically agreed with Superbeast's POV in the thread but I didn't really see any great need to close it.
It might have been a rehashed theme but some people made good comments and had interesting points of view,
My BJJ club is definitely too sport oriented. :(
If it was just another "groundfighting does not work in the street* flame thread i would agree, but there were some pretty decent discussions going on in that thread.
I started that thread as a real question I would like answered. Just because A$$WIPES spend hours a day on this site, and have read the same threads before doesn't mean I can't ask a question that is important to me. I was looking for answers to my question. I guess that's what you get on a board where the mods get drunk and type fuck you all as a thread topic.
Damn. Now I want to read the arguments. I just dismissed it because of the title...
You should know that this is sherdog's secret porn forum disguised as a grappling forum. Everybody knows that.
It was closed due to the fact it was becoming less about how practical BJJ is on the street (it has it's place, but on the street too many variables come into play for it to be relied on solely) and more about what a BJJ fighter would do and BJJ vs Judo vs Muay Thai in a street situation.

Anyone who has seen the Hawaiian beatdown clip of the fight on the beach will agree it can be very effective however had that guy not been surrounded by his friends to watch his back it could have been a different story. Anyone familiar with the Ramon Dekker story knows MT is effective. I don't think anyone can dispute being thrown or slammed on asphalt or concrete is going to fuck someone up or at least wind them.

However on the other hand you have pro fighters like Genki Sudo who while skilled have been stabbed in broad daylight, Frank Shamrock who sprinted across a car park and through a hardware store after he confronted someone, gave them a bit of a kicking and then they reached into their car and got a knife and perhaps the saddest, most unfortunate and most poignant reminder martial arts are not the be all and end all is Alex Gong, a world class kickboxing champion, who was gunned down following a road rage incident.

All in all, I think it can be concluded BJJ has it's place in self defense but only if you can't run away or avoid the situation escalating into a violent confrontation.

Besides, the thread was closed with a bunch of naked women barely covering their bits, so it is not like it ended on a downer.

On a side note, while I do get drunk and post on here, I do not type fuck you all. I am not a manwhore despite what people may claim. In fact, I think I type pretty well when drunk aside from missing the occasional "g" from the end of certain words.

If you guys seriously want to continue discussing it, I'll unlock it, but I think it may just continue to devolve into a "BJJ is the be all and end all of self defense" vs "BJJ doesn't really teach you to duck a pool cue although it can be effective in the right situation ie leglocking someone about to stomp your guts in" thread.
First, he was reffering to Mirada when he said about "fuck you all" thread. Second, Superbeast, IMO it's not fair to just lock a thread cause you don't agree with some of the arguments there. There are hundreds of stupid threads on Sherdog (just follow the MMA forum) and nobody locks them. I for example have to agree with you that in a street confrontation where are involved more then 2 persons, a striking art can save your ass (I'm really into cross-training), but I would never shut somebody's mouth (read: lock his thread) just because he doesn't have the same opinion with me. Finally, there were no: "BJJ is the be all and end all of self defense", "MT by armbar" or "Rickson will kick any MT fighter's ass".
I locked it on Mirada's recommendation to do so. As I said, if you guys want me to unlock it, I will. I personally could argue my point until the sun supernovas simply based on my experiences. I agree everyone is entitled to their opinion however wrong it may be so don't go assuming it was locked because I went "boo-urns, no one agrees" and took the whole thing personally. At the end of the day, it's only a forum, I am currently more concerned with completing Hulk: Ultimate Destruction on my XBox. God, I love throwing lamp posts at helicopters.

Also, in regards to the MMA forum... that's more like a zoo. We try to cage the feces throwing monkey threads to The Wasteland but sometimes it is best to leave them to toss their crap back and forth, it can at times be entertaining.
Superbeast said:
However on the other hand you have pro fighters like Genki Sudo who while skilled have been stabbed in broad daylight, Frank Shamrock who sprinted across a car park and through a hardware store after he confronted someone, gave them a bit of a kicking and then they reached into their car and got a knife and perhaps the saddest, most unfortunate and most poignant reminder martial arts are not the be all and end all is Alex Gong, a world class kickboxing champion, who was gunned down following a road rage incident.

Didn't follow the thread, but I think this intelligently sums up the important issues.
I think Superbeast and I share basically the same views witht eh exception of the whole pulling guard thing which I believe was resolved. I realy wanted the thread to stay on topic but things went astray. The poster wanted to know if BJJ was good for self defense. That's a pretty vague question. "Is it, by itself a good self defense art", or "mixed with a striking style, is BJJ a good choice for self defense?" would have been better, more specific questions.

Instead, it turned into multiple arguments. Superbeast spoke about carrying a gun, and someone said that yuo could go to jail. There was an argument about how the guard could be used, and what if their friends jumped in. It became a circus. I don't agree that it should have been locked but at least Superbeast is gracious enough to open it for us. Ireally could care less, I think I laid down my arguments quite soundly.

The end all to that thread, "train for the worst possible scenario, and carry a weapon while acknowledging the fact that if you use it the possibility of jail time is ever evident."
Also, to add to above, "avoid street fights at all costs."
Sorry to rag on you Beast, but posting an argument then shortly locking the thread is a bit weak. Definitely a conflict of interest. I was seeing some points being argued there that I hadn't seen in previous self defence threads. If somebody doesn't want to read on a thread on that topic, they just don't need to click on it.

The way Mirada posted for you to lock it was a bit weak on several levels as well. I almost LOL'd when I saw him referring to your lack of experience.
You guys take this place too seriously.

If you really want to you can do a little search for one of the 18,000,000 other BJJ IN THE STREET LAVA PIT BATTLE threads that have already been posted, bump one of those bitches and pound that dead horse all night.
TheHighlander said:
Sorry to rag on you Beast, but posting an argument then shortly locking the thread is a bit weak. Definitely a conflict of interest. I was seeing some points being argued there that I hadn't seen in previous self defence threads. If somebody doesn't want to read on a thread on that topic, they just don't need to click on it.

The way Mirada posted for you to lock it was a bit weak on several levels as well. I almost LOL'd when I saw him referring to your lack of experience.

He's been a mod longer than me. I find it best to listen to my peers. Whether you find my actions "weak" is inconsequential, I'm not here to impress you. I've only been a mod for a few months so he is right to point out my lack of experience in this position, whether you find that laughable or not, what is, is. I'm doing my best to be a decent moderator and if that means some people disagree with my actions, well, I guess I am going to have to cry myself to sleep over that while listening to my Cure CDs on loop.
Bro, it's not about what one mod is telling you. You are clever enough, make good posts and can give good arguments in a exchange of ideas. What we are doing here is JUST writing. When this is done in a good manner I don't think that even if it was done billions of time (but people still talk about it) and just because a bored mod tells that you should better lock it, it's a good idea.
Maybe one day you'll get bored yourself about this forum, maybe one day I or any other of the guys floating around here will get bored. But this forum will not stop functioning because somebody got bored. Cause it's not about me or you or Mirada...

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