What would you do


Steel Belt
Dec 7, 2011
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Completely hypothetical situation. Pretend your wife is in some kind of danger. You have a chance to save her, but its 50/50. 50% chance you save her, 50% chance you BOTH die, leaving your 5 y/o boy and 8 y/o daughter with out parents.

What do YOU DO?
What a shitty explanation for the scenario, is it like gun at her head with a psychopath flipping a coin ala two face? Or has she fallen off a huge cruise liner into freezing waters and I have to jump in and save her?

And how cool are my kids ? Do they have talents and special skills ?
Wheres the option to get rid of the kids and the wife
This isnt just your woman but your children's mother...

Yeah and I’m the father. Having the guarantee of one parent is better than having only a 50% chance of having zero.

Now take a lap.
What a shitty explanation for the scenario, is it like gun at her head with a psychopath flipping a coin ala two face? Or has she fallen off a huge cruise liner into freezing waters and I have to jump in and save her?

And how cool are my kids ? Do they have talents and special skills ?
It doesn't have to be that fleshed out bro damn
Completely hypothetical situation. Pretend your wife is in some kind of danger. You have a chance to save her, but its 50/50. 50% chance you save her, 50% chance you BOTH die, leaving your 5 y/o boy and 8 y/o daughter with out parents.

What do YOU DO?

Dude, what's their extended family like? All grandparents still around? Are they finacially well off? Maybe fairly young or at least abnormally spry for their age? With lots of same age cousins, many aunts and uncles, especially super close aunts and uncles, like the special one or two that are basically second dads or moms?

Then go for it.

If they'd be all alone with no one but state induced foster parents and no real extended family.......you gotta know your love would understand that kids come first.

But bc I think other people are more In love than I've ever been, and they always put their soulmate first before all others, I can't judge differing views.

Can only give how I feel Sherbro. Kinda no wrong answer.
This isn't tough at all. Not going to flip a coin on orphaning my children.
I'd miss her.

I always said to my wife if it comes down to a choice between me or the kids I expect her to chose the kids every time.
The same applies in reverse.

We fell out with my parents years ago so they wouldn't go to them ( although there's only 1 alive now). Their other grandparents live in another country and wouldn't be able to look after them due to ill health.

Not going to leave them in care of the state..
If I were in danger and she had the choice I would want her to let me go.

The kids have to come first. Orphans don't have the best odds of turning into well adjusted adults
Kids are incredibly resourceful. I'd send them into save mom.
Well i love my kids more than i love my wife. And my wife has a $350k life insurance policy, soooo..
I'd use my option to increase the amount of life insurance on my wife.
This is a lose/lose scenario for me. My wife would kill me if I took the risk of the kids not having either of us.
This sounds like the Trolley problem except with wifey on one set of tracks and both of you on the other.

Morally I think your kids are obliged to upgrade to a hot 20 something stepmom.