What were the 80s like?

Big hair, AIDS, drugs, AIDS, bad bad fashion, AIDS, Rick Astley, the greatest action films, AIDS, amazing cartoons, AIDS, fantastic toys, AIDS, AIDS, hoolaganism, AIDS, greed, AIDS, recession, AIDS, bad special effects, AIDS, skin heads, AIDS, the garbage pail kids, AIDS, fall of the Berlin Wall, AIDS, hairy hairy vaginas and AIDS.

I'm sure there are a few other minor things I have forgotten.

Oh yeah, AIDS.
A lot of people were out of work. A few people got really rich, and were worshiped by the masses. Computers changed everything. Games, music, art. Computers were the driving force and the inspiration. And that's why it was so revolutionary.
When Trump speaks of making America Great "Again"...he is referring to the 80's.


Yeah, having a President with Alzheimers was great. He'd read whatever they put on the teleprompter for a few jelly beans. The economy seemed good until it came time to pay the huge deficits that were run up. Billions to pay off the failed Savings and Loans after they were de-regulated. Billions for the Star Wars missile defense system that never came to be.

Life looks good when you're living on a credit card, until the bill comes due.
The last decade where you might steal a fredricks of hollywood catalogue in the mail as it was the closest to porn you could easily obtain.

The last decade where you may only personally know one person with a home computer.

Dude. You and I are soulmates.
I guess what comes to mind living in the 80s as a kid was the many new forms of entertainment. There was new music, home video games, fashion changing, new buildings going up at least in the city I lived in, etc. It was more of an optimistic time it seemed. For my family it was a bit scary for awhile as dad and my grandfather lost their jobs at the same time, but in the end things worked out. There was more humor in the 80s and for better or worse less PC.
Most of my favorite movies come from the 80's. Rest in peace John Hughes.

Yeah, having a President with Alzheimers was great. He'd read whatever they put on the teleprompter for a few jelly beans. The economy seemed good until it came time to pay the huge deficits that were run up. Billions to pay off the failed Savings and Loans after they were de-regulated. Billions for the Star Wars missile defense system that never came to be.

Life looks good when you're living on a credit card, until the bill comes due.

Heavy metal and rap ruled the airwaves. That's radio.
Women found a silly but slutty fashion. Martial arts was seeing a boom in popularity, as were action movies, one awesome flick after another, with explosions and one liners galore.
The electric guitar was God.
I played stand up video games in these things called arcades, they cost a quarter to play.
I had a hot Jewish girlfriend with enormous knockers, who wouldn't give it all the way up but gave constant, fantastic blowjobs.
I started going to Grateful Dead concerts as often as possible, and dropped hundreds of hits of LSD.
I also dipped blotter pages, but that's another story
Cars were at their worst, I remember that. I loved watching music videos as a kid and first crush was Martha Quinn.
I saw a couple of hoodrats driving an 80's grand Marquis this evening. All I could think of is "how is it even possible to be that poor yet resourceful enough to keep that pile of shit running?"

I've been in 'hoods all over the country the past 10 years and you rarely see a rusty piece of crap like you'd see in the 80's and 90's. Obama prolly hands them out like Oprah.
drugs/crack epidemic/miami vice
hairspray/big hair
music greatness - rap/heavy metal
action movies - Arnie, JCVD, Indiana Jones
berlin wall coming down

was a teen during mid to late 80's. great time to grow up.
So much nostalgia. So much feels.

The only other decade interesting to me was the 50's
Wasn't around for the 80s, as I was born in 89, but that's the decade I wish I was around for, a lot of my favorite music and movies are from that decade, 80s and early 90s are the fucking shit. I still cherish my childhood which was later 90s and early 2000s, but I wouldn't have minded being born to see the 80s, aside from being 10+ years older that is.
Jeans were tight, hair was big, cocaine was everywhere, music was fucking awesome.
I liked family ties.. also had other good comedies like Cheers, growing pains, Golden girls, Alf and Saved by the bell were cool as a kid..

ALF was really bad. I just got done watching an ALF marathon. But, it did seem awesome back then. I loved all those other comedies, but haven't revisited them except Cheers and Golden GIrls which still are great.