What type of conditioning do boxers and mma'ists take part in?


Feb 2, 2008
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I personally am a Wrestler but I think the cardio that boxers and mmaists take part in is really advanced and could help me with my game. I need excellent cardio but I'm dying right now after 20 burpees. This isn't any good.
Dying after 20 blurpees isn't a great thing but if you continue to rep them out and use mind over matter then you will easily overcome them after a few more trys. Start doing blurpees everyday and keep challenging yourself.
get out of breath. then get out of breath even more. repeat until u are a major stud.
I personally am a Wrestler but I think the cardio that boxers and mmaists take part in is really advanced and could help me with my game. I need excellent cardio but I'm dying right now after 20 burpees. This isn't any good.

A wreslter that gets windeed after 20 burpees??? WTF

You are a wreslter and find your conditioning isnt as good as boxers?? WHere the heck to do wrestle.

Wreslting and MMA conditioning are pretty much the same and way more intense then boxing ..... from my experience anyway.
Well I am out of season and trying to get prepared for next season so i basically went from being able to do fifty non stop to barely being able to do twenty.
true story. blurpees involve a back flip instead of the regular jump.

You forgot to mention that as you are doing the back flip, you have to land on one leg and do a pistol.
Oh man, that's the hardest part! I can do about 70 of those now though.
I just got done doing 100 blurpees. Missed the last backflip tho...
whats a good rep/set of burpees to do for the average conditioned person.

20 x 4?
Well, since I've had my first amateur MMA fight, I can say I'm an "mmaist", so I'll give you some advice:
-Sledgehammer a tire. Seriously.
-Tabata protocol. Love it.
- Get your nutrition in order. If your fuel is shit, your mileage is shit. Fact.
A wreslter that gets windeed after 20 burpees??? WTF

You are a wreslter and find your conditioning isnt as good as boxers?? WHere the heck to do wrestle.

Wreslting and MMA conditioning are pretty much the same and way more intense then boxing ..... from my experience anyway.

espn recently did a scientific study of which is the hardest sport to train for. boxing was far and away number 1, wrestling 6. ice hockey was suprisingly 2.
espn recently did a scientific study of which is the hardest sport to train for. boxing was far and away number 1, wrestling 6. ice hockey was suprisingly 2.

Do you have a link or anything for this so called scientific "study". I find it hard to believe that boxing is the hardest sport and I have been around boxing my whole life. If thats the case then Kick boxing and Muay Thai should be even harder then boxing becuse you are using all 4 of your limbs. This so called ESPN study is biased towards boxing big time.
You forgot to mention that as you are doing the back flip, you have to land on one leg and do a pistol.

i knew i was forgetting something. to add my own flair, i throw in some jazz hands on the way up from the pistol.