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What triggers your panic attack?

Had a mini one just do to massive stress and pressure. My wife has them and are much worse than what I experienced. Basically feels like you can't breathe.
Yeah, you go into hyperventilation which sends you into even more of a panic.

I'm thankful I don't suffer from them, my one and only incident was 30 years ago.
Black widows.

The prospect of losing my job because some motherfucker is embezzling money and management is helping cover up for him, and when they realized I knew about it they were trying to find anything they could do they could fire me.
Getting kicked in the junk. That usually gives me a pretty gnarly panic attack.
I used to get bad panic attacks starting in my later teen years. Haven’t had them in over ten years now.

Now I have this thing where I go into a blind black rage fit, where something snaps and I’m ready to start throwing hands and screaming. Things that cause this: popping bubblegum, loud eaters, people in my way, not getting the information I need from people, people in my space etc. minor things. Well luckily I got put on a med that’s for agitation in dementia patients. Now I’m way too fukkin happy and rational lmao.
Never had 1. I get nervous and anxious sometimes but never to the point it affects my life.
I used to get bad panic attacks starting in my later teen years. Haven’t had them in over ten years now.

Now I have this thing where I go into a blind black rage fit, where something snaps and I’m ready to start throwing hands and screaming. Things that cause this: popping bubblegum, loud eaters, people in my way, not getting the information I need from people, people in my space etc. minor things. Well luckily I got put on a med that’s for agitation in dementia patients. Now I’m way too fukkin happy and rational lmao.
Small things annoy me but not to the point I need medication. How can such small insignificant things put you on edge?
Have PTSD and severe panic attacks for 20 years and was crippled by anxiety until these helped me tremendously: Eat super clean diet (carnivore or keto is best imo) and cut out sugar, caffeine, drugs, alcohol. Get good sleep and get tons of exercise. Also stay away from doctors and meds. They will just build a cocktail for you and SSRIs and shit are poison that will make it worse or even cause panic attacks and depression.

Lots of people tell me that's extreme, but those people have never had panic attacks so...

And most importantly, stop being a pussy.

Jk. But seriously, good luck.
Closest for me is responding to drowning calls at work.

Responded to a 3 year old who drowned years back and it fucked me up.

Chlorine smell occasionally does it to me too.
Random stuff that I shouldn't even be worrying about.
Public introductions. Once I settle in I'm ok.
Only had 1 panic attack in my entire life. It was in my college Pharmacology class I took during the summer. I have no idea why it happened, but I was so close to passing out I had to just leave the class. There was nothing building up to it. The professor was just lecturing. That was a rough time for me though because if I remember correctly, I was injured at the time so I couldn’t workout or even throw a football for like a year because of pain. I was losing a lot of weight (muscle) because of it and besides taking that 1 class I was working valet a lot and I spent way too much time playing Diablo II or Counterstrike. In hindsight I was probably a little depressed at the time because working out was a huge part of my life and it was tough to see your body go from jacked to flacked. I actually wanted to compete in my first bodybuilding competition, but it all good derailed from a freak injury. It’s all good though because as I slowly built back I fell in love with getting stronger more so than aesthetics.
Driving tired or wasted on the highway and feeling dizzy like I am gonna faint and chrash my car or some truck is gonna drive over me.
I used to have that a lot when younger.
I live in Europe not USA, we drive 120 km/u at least here on the highway.
No idea what a panic attack is. I've seen them. But, I don't think I've ever experienced such a thing.
For me, Marijuana triggered mine. I had to quit smoking the devils lettuce because of it. Haven't touched it in almost 30 years.
Sometimes when I would smoke weed at night, I'd start thinking about work while sitting on the couch and then get all anxious and paranoid.

Stopped smoking regularly for three years, didn't smoke at all for almost the last two.

Recently started smoking regularly again, haven't gotten anxious yet. Way less stressed at work now though too.
The only time I had one it was triggered by a withdrawal from alcohol. After that I reduced the amount I drink I only drink a max of 4 beers now.
I started having panic attacks right after the pandemic. Never had them before in my life, I thought I was having a heart attack.

It's impossible to describe the feeling to someone who hasn't had one other than it's fucking terrible.

I just had one for the first time in awhile.

This forum that I've been going to since the early 2000s is officially dead. It's a gaming forum specifically for Team Fortress Classic and Counter Strike. I have no way to contact the people I know from there. I can't read the old threads anymore. The forum has been pretty much inactive for awhile, an average of 1 new post per year for over 10 years. But it was still nice to know they're there. Knowing that it's over gave me a panic attack.

My 2 triggers are when I'm feeling sad like above or when I'm feeling claustrophobic.
I started having them in 2016 - it's fucking brutal.

I agree, it feels like you're dying and unless you've had one you can't accurately describe to anyone what it feels like other than it feels like you're going to die.

Working out when my heart rate goes up now triggers panic attacks but I've also had them come from seemingly no where.

Last really bad one I had was in the summer and it was when I was driving back from visiting my parents house on a sunday night - I was fine for most of the drive back but then it just hit and within seconds I was in full blown panic mode - this one was brutal because it continued into the Monday I ended up missing work and stuck in a parking lot with my dog because I couldn't move. Ended up having to call a friend and she came and talked me down for a few hours till my sister and her son came and took me back to my parents to stay for a few days.

Anxiety is stil pretty high day to day - I try to manage it as best as I can.
I’ve always had a bit of anxiety but it’s been higher than normal of late…to the point where I get heart palpitations. been snagging a bit of my wife’s’ Ativan here and there to calm me down. I need to find a way to stop the constant worrying, it’s affecting my workouts lately…
Got me again last night. Sad thoughts really trigger it. I just started thinking of all the people on the Chips' Fun House community I'll never be able to talk to again. Never get to play TFC with them ever again.