what to do when guy stalls and hold you down in closed guard


Blue Belt
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
i just thought of a solution later which i will explain in a sec but what do you do when you have a huge guy inside your closed guard that just has like head control and is just crushing you down with all his weight. basically i just made sure he couldnt do anything and the guy wouldnt let go (he was exhausted) and we were stuck there for almost 3 min was about to say are you going to do something.

So the solution i thought is perhaps i should have opened my guard and just tried a simple hip bump or bridge since he was so glued to me i probably could have easily swept him over.
If you're leading, let him stall.

If not, open up and do something. Better to lose while trying than by stalling yourself out.

In training? Why spend precious training time waiting for him to do something? Especially if he's exhausted? Exploit that advantage.
Shift your hips left and right over and over again building up speed as you do it.
Open your guard up and scoot your hips out, get an over hook and hook one of his leg with a butterfly hook and keep the other foot on the outside of his legs tight. Pull forward to get them off base and then try to sweep to the side.
Get rid of the head control. Try to free your hips. My instructors stress that whenever you are in a bad spot, you essentially have to undo his controls that have you there. So undo what he has done to put you in this spot. First he got into your closed guard. Then he tried to use his knees to control your hip movement. Finally, he got hold of your head.

Also, when down, avoid latching on to closed guard.
As a small guy, I think the best way to combat this problem is not to get stuck there in the first place. I play half guard or open guard against big guys or if I think the guy is going to play that kind of game I will never bother closing my guard. I guess you have to be intuitive, but that only comes with mat time.
man I had someone do this the other day in sparring... really frustrating, seems like he was tired or sumthing lol because he decided to hug me for dear life for 5 minutes and just lay there... tried everything from breaking his grip to hip escaping, but couldnt make enough espace... he just stalled there.. maybe I should crossface him?
If you ever find yourself in that position again, ask yourself this question: Why did I allow myself to get trapped on the bottom?

When you find the answer to that question, fix it and don't get trapped on the bottom ever again.

There's a world of difference between playing guard and getting squashed with your legs wrapped around some dude.
I raise my hips and try to create space if he still on top of me and trying to grab my head I put my feet on his hips and try to sweep by bringing all his weight on my feet and grabbing his sleeves.
Maybe I am misunderstanding the original position, but I used to get stuck here all of the time. I lost too many matches by letting the other person stall in my closed guard because I didn't know how to force them to do something. Now I create space by pushing on their jaw and getting a frame in.

Once you break the head control, that should give you enough room to start moving your hips, and that opens up lots of options.
Bug his neck, go for a collar choke, keep rubbing his collar on his neck and face until you get the choke or until he let's go off his head control.
if i swung my hips out he would have just passed to side control. definitely sweep or pushing the head (which i didn't do) i think would be the best idea in this case. and its not like i could just create space this guy was huge and exhausted it was the last round. as soon we started he just layed on me so its not like i could just "not get in that position".
i just thought of a solution later which i will explain in a sec but what do you do when you have a huge guy inside your closed guard that just has like head control and is just crushing you down with all his weight. basically i just made sure he couldnt do anything and the guy wouldnt let go (he was exhausted) and we were stuck there for almost 3 min was about to say are you going to do something.

So the solution i thought is perhaps i should have opened my guard and just tried a simple hip bump or bridge since he was so glued to me i probably could have easily swept him over.

Head control is usually pretty easy to peel...from there (or any time someone's really hunkered down in my closed guard) I like to go two on one, raise my hips to force their arms up, and then in one motion pull their arm across and shift my hips out pinning their arm on the inside of my body. I'm essentially on their side now. From here, the options are endless.
How can you do a hip bump sweep if the guy is smashing you in your guard?
Peel his hands off your head/neck, then apply the universal rule of playing guard:

Create space, create angles, control his posture. Always be doing at least one of these 3, preferably 2. In your case, probably 1 & 2.
If a guy tries to stall in the closed guard I pass anyway.