What to do instead of squat?


Feb 15, 2005
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Anyone know good exercises to do when you cant squat?

well i was thinking stairs or stairmaster. maybe jump roping

or do isolation work, which is better than nothing. you can do you calfs, quads, hams without bending at the hip too much.
focus on upperbody and give your hips a chance to heal? Maybe hire a physical therapist for some leg exercies or just go swimming.
Did you strain your groin?
Best thing to do would be to go to a Physical Therapist and find out what exactly is wrong and how to fix it.
I will probably be ok in a couple of weeks or in a month, just wanna keep up the training during this period. So, I guess I do some isolation if there isnt any good exercise I can do. (ive been searchign the exrx to come up with some exercises )
Im able to keep up the dl though.

Over the last year I
Chute Stomp said:

Nope. Not IN the lower abs, in the HOLLOW between the thigh and abs, (maybe I used the wrong word earlier) where all muscles connect. in the region of the pectineus, iliopsoas and adductors. Dont know which muscle specific.