What the fuck is this little bastard?

good lord, doesn't even need to take off his pants to scar a child for life. sick bastard
Kamehameha said:
good lord, doesn't even need to take off his pants to scar a child for life. sick bastard

I want to know the medical disorder he has, and what's up with his eyes
Are you guys seeing a pic on that site? Not popping up on my PC. All these years I thought I was the only person that surfed the sex offender registration sites.
can someone link to the pic? it's not showing up for me
I'm not getting the pic either...

Probably something to do with Firefox or my intra-web settings...
Dan181 said:
Are you guys seeing a pic on that site? Not popping up on my PC. All these years I thought I was the only person that surfed the sex offender registration sites.


CAn you not see this little twisted fuckrat?
And yes thats an ugly ass troll! I can see why he would have to be a sexual predator.
Funkster said:
I'm not getting the pic either...

Probably something to do with Firefox or my intra-web settings...

Maybe registered offenders can't view other offenders' profiles without paying a monthly fee. It's like Yahoo! Personals.
Dan181 said:
Maybe registered offenders can't view other offenders' profiles without paying a monthly fee. It's like Yahoo! Personals.
Thats a shame, I was really looking forward to hooking up with him.

Actually, someone helped me out by posting it up here, take that justice system!

Does he\she\it anal?
mysexisartsy said:
I'd never seen severe craniosynostosis. Not like that anyway. The worst I'd ever seen it was where the kids have like, a sloped skull and their eyes are all crooked and googly. That little pervert is fucked.

I think most have surgery and have the skull re-cut and moved out at various stages in childhood/teenage for both brain space and facial reconstruction

He seems to have had nothing done, I am sure he has brain damage to go with it.
Funkster said:
Does he\she\it anal?

Seriously LOL at that one...

This might be the most entertaining thread of the day. I love a good freak show. Also, I don't feel guilty about laughing at "it" because "it's" a sex offender.
He's gonna come in to your dreams and give you a blowjob.