What started the pussificaiton of American men?

People don't wanna acknowledge the second part but it's true. People are so focused on the left/sjw/nu Male side but it's just not the whole picture. Theres a larger and growing strata of men that are borderline retarded, are obsessed with sports, go around wearing gym clothing recreationally and think its nerdy and dumb when people are well educated on a given topic

Again to me this comes across as people looking to cling to the mindset they might have had in their teens at school, maybe as a response to limited opportunities for personal success as an adult in the current economic climate?
TS, that concept of masculinity is losing because it’s a loser. It’s dying because it’s weak. You bet on a losing horse. Time to BE A MAN, and stop whining about it and start constructing a new concept of masculinity. Perhaps based on qualities like:

Hard Work

And less on childhood fist fights.
I actually disagree with ts and think masculinity is the highest it's ever been we have some of the most alpha guys in history fighting in mma. masculinity isn't something men can lose because we are born with it and it is in our bodies.
Look at Aliens man. They're like fuckin ugly and skinny and shit and they could destroy us with the push of a button.

If we want to be aliens we better be using our brains instead of our muscles because obviously muscles are pointless in the future.

The Yautjas that hunt xenomorphs are swoll monica

Or did you mean any type of alien?

Well look at the Klingons, Arachnids, Decepticons, Kree, Thanos,
More men have lower testosterone and exhibit more feminine, beta traits than you would find 50+ years ago. I think it's due to a number of different reasons. There's less stigma associated with being a fruit than in the past. You can act like a pussy homo and it's more tolerated than the old days. Life is easier with air conditioning, more sedentary lifestyles spent mostly indoors and it's easier to live a soft life than in the past. There's less culling of the weak in modern life with participation grades, acceptance of all manner of deviance, and less mandatory competition. Also, the most widely available, least expensive food is shit and will wreak havoc on your body, including your endocrine system.

That said, there's never been a better time in human history for any average man to be a more alpha version of himself than ever possible heretofore. A guy making $30k a year can have a better quality of life than a king a few hundred years ago would have. We've made huge advancements in our knowledge of training and nutrition and all of the information is a click away. You still have to take the time to seek it out but part of what makes a man masculine or any human great is having the initiative to go after the things you want.

Gyms and high level instruction in fighting or any number of fields of knowledge is widely available for any average guy who will push himself to show up and put in the work. I don't like the direction our culture is heading and see it having a detrimental effect on a lot of guys, but if you're able to think outside of the box and not follow the herd than a guy can still live well and avoid a lot of the modern snares. In a first world country, a regular guy from a poor family today can work hard enough to eat really well, have sex with many beautiful women, learn about many different subjects, and train his body to be an incredibly strong weapon. None of this would be possible to the extent it is now to someone born poor even a 100 years ago.
When women started rewarding pussified men with sex

Women are responsible for the vast majority of stupid, annoying trends in young men.