What movie genres do you dislike or have no interest in?

Considering I like all manor of exploitation, horror and action, mostly form the 70's and 80's, and some utter shite among them, I really struglle with post apocalyptical movies (I'm talking 80's in particular here).
Mad Max, 2019, Rats Night Of Terror, End Game, Hands Of Steel, Bronx Warriors, Escape From The Bronx, etc etc etc

Considering how big a John Carpenter fan I am, even Escape From NY is a struggle. Just can't get into them and have no idea why
You obviously haven't watch this.

Pretty much superhero flicks, especially the Marvel ones.
Horror flicks.
Romantic comedies. I do like When Harry Met Sally, but that's really the only one. Can't stand to sit through anything from that genre.
I don't care much for horrors, Sci Fi is hit or miss, I won't go out of my way to see them, comedies sometimes, I'll rent one or watch one on Netflix, I won't pay to see one in the theaters.

With that said, I won't write off any one genre, I'll give anything a chance, just have my preferences.
90% of super hero films.
Getting-stranded-in-space movies are becoming its own niche with the same tropes and predictable plot

I tend to avoid those but I'm not going to make a hard rule just yet.
Getting-stranded-in-space movies are becoming its own niche with the same tropes and predictable plot

I tend to avoid those but I'm not going to make a hard rule just yet.
Re-watched Event Horizon last night<mma4>
Re-watched Event Horizon last night<mma4>

Yeah that one doesn't count because it's 1) Good and 2) not a rehash of 12 other movies within a 4-year span

Alien also doesn't count. These good movies actually have their own plots besides just being in space and having trouble with the equipment.

Also Apollo 13 doesn't count, because it was good and original, unlike all these newb movies trying to cash in on being a boring (and fictional) attempt at being Apollo 13, the XXVIIth in the millenialverse
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Yeah that one doesn't count because it's 1) Good and 2) not a rehash of 12 other movies within a 4-year span

Alien also doesn't count. These good movies actually have their own plots besides just being in space and having trouble with the equipment.

Also Apollo 13 doesn't count, because it was good and original, unlike all these newb movies trying to cash in on being a boring (and fictional) attempt at Apollo 13, the XXVIIth in the millenialverse
Westerns (unless its a comedy) fuck they are boring , tombstone, quick and dead, john fucking wayne spaghetti crap
Modern war movies: anything based past the civil war
Chick flicks: notebook, a walk to remember ive never gone so low to get laid then watch those abominations

Dystopian /apocalyptic: Children of men, Logan's run, in time
Scifi- the man from earth, anything star trek,

Superhero movies
Tarantino movies
I will watch shitty B horror movies all day before i venture into my hate category

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