Social What kind of human being does this?

If it's completely deserted after hours and very unlikely to have handicapped people coming, it's cool.

It's not uncommon to see drivers who don't look handicapped to park in handicap stalls.
I go to the gas station multiple times a day, everyday. There hasn’t been a single time I saw someone in a wheelchair there.

He’s probably just running in to grab something really quick, take 5 minutes or less
Without knowing the backstory seems kind of petty to take issue with it.
The back story is this- there were 5 open parking spots less than 20 feet away from where that Jeep was. There was no one on a wheelchair at that gas station and no handicapped parking tag or license plate on that car.

There was 0 reason for that car to be there
I don't see anybody in the vehicle and the headlights are on so this likely means they wanted to *jump in the gas station real quick* so it wont hurt anybody since they'll be out in a minute

If it's completely deserted after hours and very unlikely to have handicapped people coming, it's cool.

It's not uncommon to see drivers who don't look handicapped to park in handicap stalls.
I go to the gas station multiple times a day, everyday. There hasn’t been a single time I saw someone in a wheelchair there.

He’s probably just running in to grab something really quick, take 5 minutes or less
Not after hours, plenty of open parking spots less than 20 feet away. 0 excuses
a disabled person maybe?
They are driving a jeep. That should be punishment enough. I vote time served.
Keep some superglue in your car or a caulk gun with liquid nails.

It would be easy work to glue a door or two shut in the "just a few minutes" that fuck for brains was inside.

Start with the driver door, of course.
<Y2JSmirk> that'll speed up their learning.
Took this at a gas station this morning. Mind you there were a number of unoccupied parking spots in this lot...

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I feel like it takes a special kind of entitlement and IDGAF attitude to do something like this.

Anyone know people who do this type of stuff?

Maybe it wasn't a human being that did that, maybe it was a monkey. You ever think of that?! You can't expect monkeys to have the parking skills of us humans.
I never park in handicapped spots. But handicapped toilet stalls? If I gotta shit I am handicapped myself at that point and I go for mine.
People with big trucks do this a lot. I see it periodically. They will take 2 or 3 parking spaces. I suspect they don't want people parking next to them and dinging up their truck with shopping carts or by opening their doors too much

I'm the type that parks all the way in the back of the parking lot. At Walmart, I park like 100 yards from the door in that massive parking lot. My car will be out there by itself. I don't mind walking and I always push my shopping cart back into the store itself to help out the shopping cart guy. I learned this from my dad
It's mostly because large trucks turn like river barges and a parking lot can be a royal pain in the ass to navigate if you have cars parked on either side and the rows are narrow.
Was the engine running? Why would the lights be on?

It wasn't necessarily deliberate, maybe the driver had some kind of health problem, or was drunk or something.
There needs to be jail time for "crimes" that indicate and absolute lack of communal respect with no socially redeeming importance. Littering, parking in handicap spaces, and standing in front of the elevator door like the people inside don't need to get out first... Right to jail.
