What is your morning caffeine fix?


Silver Belt
Apr 25, 2007
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I'm a coffee guy myself but have long wondered if there is a better option. Around the office I see people drinking tea, sodas, energy drinks, etc. but none of those really do it for me. So what say you?
The sugar in soda always made me feel like crap by 10am. Never understood that. And energy drinks make me feel like I have to shot my pants. I’m a coffee guy.
One cup of coffee around 6:15 AM after I get to work. A second cup of coffee some time after 7 AM. Finally, my last cup around 2 PM.
Must be fun hearing your blood pressure reading when you visit the Doctor!

It's totally normal, actually. Never had issues with any of that shit, really. I've abused the shit out of my body over the years, but it's a sturdy vessel. For now at least...
coffee 30 oz iced, hazelnut creamer make it myself. I don't drink coffee throughout the day now because I don't have time. occasionally ill drink a soda can but I try to avoid them and only drink like a maximum of 12 oz a soda a day. haven't drank energy drinks since 2009.
Coffee. Like a pot and a half on a bad day 2 or 3 cups on a good one
Tony Montana levels of cocaine.
black coffee no sugar as and when i feel like it. which is a lot, i work nights.
About 12-20 straight black coffees per day. Depending on the length of day. However, it’s also from my company’s Keureg, so they’re bullshit watered down coffees. I’d say that’s about 5 normal coffees at best. The interesting thing is I don’t drink coffee outside of work and don’t get caffeine headaches on the weekends.