MMA legend. He was hobbed against GSP.
Lol what a weirdoJohnny “can’t touch my belt without earning it” Hendricks.
By that logic we could talk about how similar Chuck Liddell and Gary Goodridge were.Their striking similarity is they both fell off a cliff performance wise in mid 2015.
It seemed after his robbery vs gsp and knowing there wasn't gonna be a rematch which is the sickest thing ever how do you take that win knowing you lost.. and not give a guy a rematch that we know how his career went, what is your general opinion on Hendricks ? We know that it’s was 50/50 against George , up to this day a lot of people think that Hendricks should had won. We also know that he finished is career terribly against an ex porn star in a bare knuckle fight. Overall , was winning against an all time great like gsp and ending is career badly like he did is kind of unique ?