What Is This?


Oct 12, 2013
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Kid came home with this from a mineral store but forgot what it is. Looks like something out of Supermans Fortress. Its not meth, is it salt.


Can I smooth it out and make it shiny.
Its ice. Put it in the freezer asap. You're welcome.
Pretty sure he's distributing meth.
bro, how did you take the picture if ur camera is still on the table?
I think it's an infinity stone
Holy hell, is this thing dangerous.

Important notes: Selenite is a very powerful crystal, that can very quickly open the Crown Chakra. If you're not experienced working with crystals, do NOT try using selenite when working the crown chakra. Instead, use a clear quartz crystal or amethyst.

Some people find that selenite can leave them feeling a bit dizzy or spacey. For this reason, it's advisable to keep a grounding crystal with you, or nearby, when working with selenite. Some choices for grounding crystals include obsidian, hematite, red jasper or black onyx. As an alternative to this you could do some conscious grounding after working with selenite, such as visualizing roots reaching from the soles of your feet into the ground, walking outside and feeling your connection to the earth, or eating a light snack.

Because selenite is associated with Higher Truth and our relationship with the spiritual plane, it's not a crystal to be kept stored away in a drawer or used merely as a decoration. Good owners of selenite will respect it, and work with its energy in a cooperative manner every day.
Dont get it wet, it can melt into a semi-poisonous liquid (but nothing super dangerous-- not as bad as say, taco bell)
Most likely, it's selenite.

That is prime Uranium 235 for an Atomic bomb. Was that a miss shipment from the U.S. Air Force or the Department of Energy? That's worth a lot of money.

No, just kidding. @DeepCover is right. Selenite:
You can turn it into a powder and try to sell it on the streets as cocaine.
haha. Does it say what the podwer is use for?

"Selenite is very commonly used in crystal healing and holding Selenite crystals near your heart can aid in relieving stress and anxiety." Do not ingest.
Anyone know how to make a stone cup from a mineral rock(not this one) or where to buy one. I see bowl made from some but no cups.
Anyone know how to make a stone cup from a mineral rock(not this one) or where to buy one. I see bowl made from some but no cups.
I assume you mean a mineral chalice. Sip that Macallan 18 like a boss.

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