What is the democratic message?

The silent voter that can actually sway things knows there is little difference between both parties on the key issues.

The dems and repubs have essentially the same donor base and do their bidding. This is why the silent voter is now looking for non-politicians as I have done my whole adult life.

Those groups with more social power based on victim status in the West are still victims and need even more social advantages to make up for what others do to make themselves successful.

Have you seen how oppressed and attacked Republicans and evangelical Christians claim to be despite being in actual power politically. The "war on Christmas" for example.
Have you seen how oppressed and attacked Republicans and evangelical Christians claim to be despite being in actual power politically. The "war on Christmas" for example.

Yes. Fox news was first at making idiots out of people.
If I was a Dem party boss in 2018/2020, my platform would be four words: UNIVERSAL MOTHER FUCKING HEALTHCARE

Support in the public is not actually at the tipping point yet, and people are irrationally worried that the ACA means that single payer doesn't work (I know, but that's the American brain).

But it's still the most important issue, and it's where we need to go. I think people will go with it.

This is excellent.

My only hope is that it helps educate the mouth-breathers on the right who want to pretend that Obama was some sort of radical Marxist. Obama was a bought and paid for corporate shill (just like Mitt) who traded on his race to buy support and credibility with those on the real left.
All parties need a clear message that's attractive. I'm independent. But have to admit Republicans seem to have a better message for the masses. The American dream, freedoms, etc...

Democrats seem to always seem to be very negative: the system is rigged, racism.

Democrats need a better message. What do you think?

Bernie's 2016 platform should be the benchmark.
Healthcare should be treated as a human right,
No one has a right to the services of another.

Rights are nothing more than the necessary conditions of ones proper existence.

It's not a necessary condition of your proper existence to force services out of others.

workers from the lower-to-middle-class should make a larger share,
"As ye sow, ye shall reap".
-Galatians IV

"You know most men will tell you that they want to make money, without understanding the law. The only people who make money work in a mint. The rest of us must earn money. This is what causes those who keep looking for something for nothing, or a free ride, to fail in life.

The only way to earn money is by providing people with services or products which are needed and useful. We exchange our product or service for the other man’s money. Therefore the law is that our financial return will be in direct proportion to our service. Success is not the result of making money. Making money is the result of success and success is in direct proportion to our service. Most people have this law backwards. They believe that you are successful if you earn a lot of money. The truth is that you can only earn money after you are successful. It’s like the story of a man who sat in front of the stove and said to it: “Give me heat and then I’ll add the wood.”
Once this law is fully understood, any thinking person can tell his own fortune. If he wants more, he must be of more service to those from whom he receives his return. If he wants less, he has only to reduce his service. This is the price you must pay for what you want. If you believe you can enrich yourself by deluding others, you can end only by deluding yourself. Just as surely as you breathe, you will get back what you put out. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking you can avert this. It’s impossible: The prisons and the streets where the lonely walk are filled with people who tried to make new laws just for themselves. We may avoid the laws of men, but there are greater laws that cannot be broken."
-Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret in the World

we should stop redistributing wealth upward,
We should stop redistributing wealth.

gay/trans people should have the same rights as everyone else,
Institutional discrimination is illegal in the United States. What violation of rights are gay and trans people currently suffering under, that other citizens are not?

What necessary condition of their proper existence has been violated?

racism and other forms of bigotry should continue to be eliminated,
And understandable sentiment, however, we don't have the ability to reach into people's minds and change who they are.

For better or for worse, humans always have, and likely always will exhibit some level of in-group preference. Redefining the in-group is just a matter of shifting concepts. Redefining the in-group to be as broad as possible is likely as close as our species will get to the elimination of all bigotry.

foreign countries should not be allowed to interfere with our democracy,
Agreed, that's why accountability in our elections is so important.

That's why I support voter ID measures to ensure that only US citizens who are eligible to vote are allowed to vote.

abortion is a healthcare issue and women should have more control of their bodies,
Abortion isn't Healthcare.

Murdering your own child in the womb due to the fact that it may be an economic hardship isn't the administration of healthcare.

When a woman becomes pregnant, it's no longer just her body. If it was only a matter of her body, there would be no need for an abortion.

people should be allowed to vote no matter what race they are,
That is currently the law in all 50 states.

As I said earlier, institutionalized discrimination is illegal in the United States. I'm not sure what else you would like done.

we should base our environmental policy on scientific knowledge, etc etc etc
If that's the case, then why is it that proponents of the theory of man-made climate change don't hold this theory to the basic standard of falsifiability.

Whenever a theory comes to light, one must ask the proponents of that theory two questions:

1: What is the objective, falsifiable standard of this theory.

2: What will you personally allow to falsify your theory.

If the person putting forward their theory is either unable or unwilling to put forward a falsifiable standard, you're no longer dealing in the realms of science, but instead Dogma.
No one has a right to the services of another.

Rights are nothing more than the necessary conditions of ones proper existence.

It's not a necessary condition of your proper existence to force services out of others.

"As ye sow, ye shall reap".
-Galatians IV

"You know most men will tell you that they want to make money, without understanding the law. The only people who make money work in a mint. The rest of us must earn money. This is what causes those who keep looking for something for nothing, or a free ride, to fail in life.

The only way to earn money is by providing people with services or products which are needed and useful. We exchange our product or service for the other man’s money. Therefore the law is that our financial return will be in direct proportion to our service. Success is not the result of making money. Making money is the result of success and success is in direct proportion to our service. Most people have this law backwards. They believe that you are successful if you earn a lot of money. The truth is that you can only earn money after you are successful. It’s like the story of a man who sat in front of the stove and said to it: “Give me heat and then I’ll add the wood.”
Once this law is fully understood, any thinking person can tell his own fortune. If he wants more, he must be of more service to those from whom he receives his return. If he wants less, he has only to reduce his service. This is the price you must pay for what you want. If you believe you can enrich yourself by deluding others, you can end only by deluding yourself. Just as surely as you breathe, you will get back what you put out. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking you can avert this. It’s impossible: The prisons and the streets where the lonely walk are filled with people who tried to make new laws just for themselves. We may avoid the laws of men, but there are greater laws that cannot be broken."
-Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret in the World

We should stop redistributing wealth.

Institutional discrimination is illegal in the United States. What violation of rights are gay and trans people currently suffering under, that other citizens are not?

What necessary condition of their proper existence has been violated?

And understandable sentiment, however, we don't have the ability to reach into people's minds and change who they are.

For better or for worse, humans always have, and likely always will exhibit some level of in-group preference. Redefining the in-group is just a matter of shifting concepts. Redefining the in-group to be as broad as possible is likely as close as our species will get to the elimination of all bigotry.

Agreed, that's why accountability in our elections is so important.

That's why I support voter ID measures to ensure that only US citizens who are eligible to vote are allowed to vote.

Abortion isn't Healthcare.

Murdering your own child in the womb due to the fact that it may be an economic hardship isn't the administration of healthcare.

When a woman becomes pregnant, it's no longer just her body. If it was only a matter of her body, there would be no need for an abortion.

That is currently the law in all 50 states.

As I said earlier, institutionalized discrimination is illegal in the United States. I'm not sure what else you would like done.

If that's the case, then why is it that proponents of the theory of man-made climate change don't hold this theory to the basic standard of falsifiability.

Whenever a theory comes to light, one must ask the proponents of that theory two questions:

1: What is the objective, falsifiable standard of this theory.

2: What will you personally allow to falsify your theory.

If the person putting forward their theory is either unable or unwilling to put forward a falsifiable standard, you're no longer dealing in the realms of science, but instead Dogma.
A huge number of things come to mind- and only listing things where there is a fundamental disagreement w/Republicans-

Healthcare should be treated as a human right, workers from the lower-to-middle-class should make a larger share, we should stop redistributing wealth upward, gay/trans people should have the same rights as everyone else, racism and other forms of bigotry should continue to be eliminated, foreign countries should not be allowed to interfere with our democracy, abortion is a healthcare issue and women should have more control of their bodies, people should be allowed to vote no matter what race they are, we should base our environmental policy on scientific knowledge, etc etc etc
This is a good list and I’d add that they seek to maintain a strong safety net and to support clean energy initiatives.

And I get why people find the “system is rigged” and “rich people are evil and greedy” is distasteful. They’re trying to grab the folks that have been left behind.

It’s also worth noting that the GOPs message to help regular folks is a gigantic lie and has been for a long time.
No one has a right to the services of another.

Rights are nothing more than the necessary conditions of ones proper existence.

It's not a necessary condition of your proper existence to force services out of others.

"As ye sow, ye shall reap".
-Galatians IV

"You know most men will tell you that they want to make money, without understanding the law. The only people who make money work in a mint. The rest of us must earn money. This is what causes those who keep looking for something for nothing, or a free ride, to fail in life.

The only way to earn money is by providing people with services or products which are needed and useful. We exchange our product or service for the other man’s money. Therefore the law is that our financial return will be in direct proportion to our service. Success is not the result of making money. Making money is the result of success and success is in direct proportion to our service. Most people have this law backwards. They believe that you are successful if you earn a lot of money. The truth is that you can only earn money after you are successful. It’s like the story of a man who sat in front of the stove and said to it: “Give me heat and then I’ll add the wood.”
Once this law is fully understood, any thinking person can tell his own fortune. If he wants more, he must be of more service to those from whom he receives his return. If he wants less, he has only to reduce his service. This is the price you must pay for what you want. If you believe you can enrich yourself by deluding others, you can end only by deluding yourself. Just as surely as you breathe, you will get back what you put out. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking you can avert this. It’s impossible: The prisons and the streets where the lonely walk are filled with people who tried to make new laws just for themselves. We may avoid the laws of men, but there are greater laws that cannot be broken."
-Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret in the World

We should stop redistributing wealth.

Institutional discrimination is illegal in the United States. What violation of rights are gay and trans people currently suffering under, that other citizens are not?

What necessary condition of their proper existence has been violated?

And understandable sentiment, however, we don't have the ability to reach into people's minds and change who they are.

For better or for worse, humans always have, and likely always will exhibit some level of in-group preference. Redefining the in-group is just a matter of shifting concepts. Redefining the in-group to be as broad as possible is likely as close as our species will get to the elimination of all bigotry.

Agreed, that's why accountability in our elections is so important.

That's why I support voter ID measures to ensure that only US citizens who are eligible to vote are allowed to vote.

Abortion isn't Healthcare.

Murdering your own child in the womb due to the fact that it may be an economic hardship isn't the administration of healthcare.

When a woman becomes pregnant, it's no longer just her body. If it was only a matter of her body, there would be no need for an abortion.

That is currently the law in all 50 states.

As I said earlier, institutionalized discrimination is illegal in the United States. I'm not sure what else you would like done.

If that's the case, then why is it that proponents of the theory of man-made climate change don't hold this theory to the basic standard of falsifiability.

Whenever a theory comes to light, one must ask the proponents of that theory two questions:

1: What is the objective, falsifiable standard of this theory.

2: What will you personally allow to falsify your theory.

If the person putting forward their theory is either unable or unwilling to put forward a falsifiable standard, you're no longer dealing in the realms of science, but instead Dogma.
You obviously aren't the intended recipient of the Democratic message. Like I said, those are areas where there are fundamental disagreements with the right. And I'm not going to get in the weeds on ten different major issues simultaneously.
You see, shit like that doesn't fly. That is why Trump won. Is amazing democrats still don't get it.

It's because they can't get out of their bubble. They need to focus on things like backing unions and the working class instead of a $15 an hour minimum wage.

Highlight the fact that the economy usually does better when a Democrat is in office.

Put the identity politics on the back burner.

Stop worrying about diversity. I'm not saying Women, LGBT, and POC are incapable of leadership, but they are more than willing to pass up a higher qualified candidate for the sake of diversity.

Disavow groups like Antifa and BLM when they become disruptive or violent.

All of these things are achievable and could sway a lot of voters back to the Democratic party regardless if the candidate was Black or White or Man or Woman.
You obviously aren't the intended recipient of the Democratic message. Like I said, those are areas where there are fundamental disagreements with the right. And I'm not going to get in the weeds on ten different major issues simultaneously.

It's sad how some people are so self-centered they can't answer a question about what other people are saying without throwing their two cents in on it. Probably connected to having his livelihood handed to him rather than earned. It's not surprising that people who are deeply tribalistic are incapable of viewing other tribes on their own terms or afraid to consider alternative ideas honestly.

I think the question of what the message is is broader than specific positions on issues (though you're probably right on those issues). The broad message is rational, honest policymaking, but that doesn't excite people, which is the problem and why in practice it does fall to listing specific policies (single payer is easier to get behind than, "policies that can be shown to work will be implemented to solve whatever governance problems come up"). In his absence, we can really see the political genius of Obama, who was able to make "we're going to look at evidence to come up with effective solutions to problems and compromise as necessary to apply those solutions to real-world policy, and show genuine human decency" into something truly exciting to a lot of people. He didn't need to make a bunch of phony promises either (though it seems that people filled in the blanks on their own).
It’s also worth noting that the GOPs message to help regular folks is a gigantic lie and has been for a long time.

Is that their message though? GOP's message is more to have government get out of the way and give control back to regular people for them to help themselves.

Which is also a lie, but actually helping regular Joes doesn't seem part of the platform.
They fractured their own party rather than trying to unify the ticket.
Feel the Bern!

Yep the corporate Dems fractured the party. The majority of people felt the Bern or at least agree with his policy positions BUT the Dems in power did everything they could to make sure those policies were not supported or even talked about as much as possible.

It is an amazing thing when the positions held most strongly and are held by the majority of Democrats are not even discussed seriously by the politicians who are supposed to be representing them.....

I dont much like TYT but here is a nice breakdown of their current efforts to KILL UHC.

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If I was a Dem party boss in 2018/2020, my platform would be four words: UNIVERSAL MOTHER FUCKING HEALTHCARE

Beyond that:
- Renewable energy
- Affordable education
- Net neutrality
- Decriminalizing marijuana
- TREATMENT of the opioid epidemic
- Wall Street regulation
- Judiciary support of labor/ unions
- International engagement
- Fact based discourse

This is the right wing parody of the Democratic Party, sure.

If you came out strongly for universal health care a strange phenomenon would happen. On the one hand MOST democrats would feel a fucking burning passion for voting for you. On the other hand the DNC and most corporatist Democrats would mock how unrealistic it is for you to be in favor of that position....
If you came out strongly for universal health care a strange phenomenon would happen. On the one hand MOST democrats would feel a fucking burning passion for voting for you. On the other hand the DNC and most corporatist Democrats would mock how unrealistic it is for you to be in favor of that position....

I couldn't believe what I was watching when Hillary was all ''Universal Healthcare will never, EVER COME TO PASS!'' And it was like...well received by the crowd.

It's awfully hard to campaign on ''no, we can't.''
Im just giving you my subjective opinion. Remember when someone wrote BLM a thousand times on a paper as admission to Harvard and got in? Why wasn't stuff like that denounced across the board (and not just because it was blm but rather because it was retarded in general).?
That has precious little to do with party politics and why should it be denounced? It sounds silly but it was a risky move that paid off for that student, if anything I applaud the effort. Reminds me of that time someone bought a copy of Fallout 4 with 1,0000 literal bottle caps.
That has precious little to do with party politics and why should it be denounced? It sounds silly but it was a risky move that paid off for that student, if anything I applaud the effort.


It should be denounced because it makes a mockery of the Stanford admission process and required no critical thinking. "What matters to you and why?" Hashtag activism apparently with no discernible reason why.

It should be denounced because it makes a mockery of the Stanford admission process and required no critical thinking. "What matters to you and why?" Hashtag activism apparently with no discernible reason why.
I see what you're saying but most of the time students spew a bunch of BS in response to those admission inquires anyway so in this case at least it was a risky and creative BS attempt.

That said, only the first person should be allowed to get away with that since they came up with it and had the balls to try it. If they accepted other students with that response it'd be a bit ridiculous.