What is the cause of all these bad weight cuts lately?


"My style is kneeing people in the face."
Nov 8, 2015
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Seriously the problem has gotten worse over the years. What's going on?
USADA, No IV's and people trying to make a weight class they are too big for
Well one tiny thing that gets overlooked is how fighters who cut weight all the way up to the last minute before weigh-ins have to stay up all night, since the weigh-in is in the morning. That's something Derrick Lewis spoke about- the schedule change.
Fighters are cutting more weight than ever now

Looking back a decade ago, the fighters in most weight classes were lighter.
Eating too many calories and/or not burning enough calories
Fat people
C-Level athletes with no sense of professionalism. Plus, the talent pool in MMA is so shallow that fighters can get away with not being in top form.

MMA is an endurance sport. If you are fat, then you are probably not training correctly and/or fighting in the right weight class.
The increase in misses is due to the early weigh ins, and not allowing the fighters the option of weighing in later at the dog & pony show weigh in if it works for them. IVs don't help you cut weight, they're used for rehydrating. And they're probably no more effective at that than rehydrating orally if you know what you're doing.

And Burns didn't miss, the UFC told him he was being an idiot and not to try. 20% or more of your body weight is insane.