What is on Conor's back/shoulders?

It’s result of cupping. Meant to reduce joint pain and other ailements. Phelps was a proponent of the method, I believe
-You take 3 parts apple cider vinegar, 3 parts water, and 1 part lemon juice.
-Mix them together and get them into a water bottle with a squeeze top.
-Lube the tip and insert into your rectum, and proceed to give yourself an enema with the solution.
-Evacuate after 10 minutes.

Ancient Chinese Remedy, over 3000 years old. Flushes your body of toxins and loosens the muscles. Plus it gives your intestines a nice mirror sheen on the inside.
Those marks are how you can tell it's working.
Mad athletes use cupping. Lebron and Phelps bring some of the upper tier.
Did it get rid of his backne tho?
Can you imagine the giant zits and clogged pores popping as you administer the treatment, the milky white puss with pieces of solid yellow mass oozing from his pores as the suction increases....

wtf why do i have boner?