Elections What in the ever living ...(Trump rally intro speaker Roseanne Barr)

This fascist shit-for-brains has like 70 million supporters in this country alone. If that doesn't completely obliterate your faith in humanity, then I don't know what to tell you.

The leading GOP candidate tried to overthrow our democracy, and is now facing 90+ felony charges while praising Chinese / N. Korean despots. And he's leading everybody in the polls.

It's so normalized at this point that you just read that and it didn't even register. Read it again a couple times and let that sink in. 10 years ago the Onion would not have run a headline like that because it's so outlandish and horrific. That's something that could never happen in America. Except, surprise! It's our reality now.

MAGA is the biggest stain on America since the Confederacy, and to be honest with you I feel MAGA is even more of an embarrassment because they don't really stand for anything—they just idolize a worthless scumbag who paints his face orange.
Peppridge Farms remembers when this was enough to bury your campaign

I got major déjà vu here.
Its a rally. You rally people up at rallies.
So that is “normal” to you? The woman is completely unhinged, and she truly believes that Trump is Commander and Chief...presently.

She is a walking compendium of CT’s ffs.

Trump/Barr 2024.
This fascist shit-for-brains has like 70 million supporters in this country alone. If that doesn't completely obliterate your faith in humanity, then I don't know what to tell you.

The leading GOP candidate tried to overthrow our democracy, and is now facing 90+ felony charges while praising Chinese / N. Korean despots. And he's leading everybody in the polls.

It's so normalized at this point that you just read that and it didn't even register. Read it again a couple times and let that sink in. 10 years ago the Onion would not have run a headline like that because it's so outlandish and horrific. That's something that could never happen in America. Except, surprise! It's our reality now.

MAGA is the biggest stain on America since the Confederacy, and to be honest with you I feel MAGA is even more of an embarrassment because they don't really stand for anything—they just idolize a worthless scumbag who paints his face orange.
That first and second sentence is super creepy considering your av
Politics is passive aggressive.

Are you proposing an insurrection?

Not cool, dude.
Tbf, I didn't watch the video. I just love Anti-Trump posts like the fat kid in Matilda loves cake. It doesn't bother me, but boy, they are delicious.

Tbf, I didn't watch the video. I just love Anti-Trump posts like the fat kid in Matilda loves cake. It doesn't bother me, but boy, they are delicious.


At least watch the Roseanne stuff, when someone claims something is unhinged on the internet, it's usually pretty normal - but this is pretty much dictionary definition lol

If nothing else, give yourself a quick chuckle
lmao sentenced for 20 years for peacefully protesting!

what a witch hunt! leftiest liberal media!

cause these people arnt deranged and fucked in the head. Trump Dellusion Syndrome lmao
Kill the bull?

I'm both glad and disappointed we don't get this kinda wingnut shit in the UK.

While I wouldn't want to put up with it on the regular, having a sitcom actress screaming about bulls before an election kinda has it's place in history lmao

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