What Historical Events You'd Liked Captured On Film?

So many various battles from ancient past. Julius Caesar at the Battle of Alesia is my first choice. The Battle of Chalons with Attila the Hun vs Rome would be second. The third would be Constantine vs Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge. There's more but all of these battles would be something epic to see.
parties at caligulas pad
the asteroid that killed the dinos
supposed alien sightings from centuries past
There's stories that Caligula would invite high ranking guests like Senators and then take their wife into another room and use them how he wanted. Then he would go back and tell their husbands if they performed well or not.
Columbus and his original negotiations with the natives. The Burr Hamilton duel. Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
… he liked a couple of my posts in this thread
and yes, i dont know how to spell “yarmulke” apparently
The Vikings pillaging a village.

The monkey time of civilization.

Monika Lewinsky Giving Bill Clinton a blowjob.
when my man luigi the ceo death dealer last . . . well, never mind.