What happens if???

I'm not sure why you're bringing up Shavkat, but even that comparison falls a bit short. Both guys have fought 3 top 10 opponents. Shavkat had a back-and-forth war with Geoff Neal before finishing him in the 3rd, and he went 10 full minutes against both Wonderboy and Magny. Aspinall finished his 3 opponents in just over 6 minutes COMBINED.

And saying that Aspinall is "untested against the best of the best" is strange considering he flattened #2 Pavlovich. Are you saying that only beating Jones would qualify? If so, that's also weird considering Jones won't fight him.

I've never professed a "guarantee that he'd walk through someone like Jones." So again, I'm not sure why you're saying that.
I brought up Shavkat as an example of someone who looks dominant but has yet to fight the elites. It's not a 1:1 comparison here my guy. Just making a point.

I've already acknowledged that Sergei was a "great fucking win" so I'm not sure where were going with that either. If you read a couple of my prior posts to this, you'll see I also think Blaydes would be a great win.

All this narrative of Jon ducking Tom is silly. Jon isn't scared of Tom and he's been trolling the shit out of people. Jon will most likely fight Tom and you guys can stop crying about it. Jon is just fighting Stipe to make a little extra money. I do not believe a man who Alpha'd the fuck out of Daniel Cormier is sitting there trembling over Tom Aspinall.

Sherbro it's just a discussion.

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Stipe retires and Blaydes becomes undisputed champ or Stipe faces Curtis to unify.