what happened to italian boxers and trainers

You left out a key word in front of "America."
This guy would of done awesome in boxing.

Naw, he'd prob get DQ'd in every fight and banned. You can't stomp a guy to death in boxing, take magic stars / mushrooms PEDs, or incinerate other boxers with fireballs
Naw, he'd prob get DQ'd in every fight and banned. You can't stomp a guy to death in boxing, take magic stars / mushrooms PEDs, or incinerate other boxers with fireballs

You do make a valid point.
its just funny how in media and tv ect u always have italians associated with boxing
Naw, he'd prob get DQ'd in every fight and banned. You can't stomp a guy to death in boxing, take magic stars / mushrooms PEDs, or incinerate other boxers with fireballs
I give him a pass on the magic mushrooms since everyone else already cuts weight to gain a size advantage anyways
Italians moved into the middle class and boxing just lost its appeal. Same reason you don't see many Irish American boxers anymore. Or many Italian and Irish street gangs
Italians moved into the middle class and boxing just lost its appeal. Same reason you don't see many Irish American boxers anymore. Or many Italian and Irish street gangs
well well after the depression irish got out of organized crime while the italians stayed they glamorized it it was cool to be a "wise guy" they would continue to this day if the feds didnt shut them all down
It is just stigmatization.
Nope, most likely majority turned into businessmans.
There's piece of history.
There is one prohibition on paper versus real life analysis.


In 1930 the Prohibition Commissioner estimated that in 1919, the year before the Volstead Act became law, the average drinking American spent $17 per year on alcoholic beverages. By 1930, because enforcement diminished the supply, spending had increased to $35 per year (there was no inflation in this period). The result was an illegal alcohol beverage industry that made an average of $3 billion per year in illegal untaxed income.
There are some theories on this, but it's quite controversial.
is it that Italians have the fifth tendon but as they bred with the Irish they lost their athleticism? Because that's what I believe.
well well after the depression irish got out of organized crime while the italians stayed they glamorized it it was cool to be a "wise guy" they would continue to this day if the feds didnt shut them all down

I've noticed that a few people have mentioned the occurrence of Irish, Italians, and Jewish elevating social class and status, but almost never mentioning how and why. And by "why" I dont mean why THEY did it, no one would refuse economic gain. But rather why it was allowed. Because you can rest-assured it wasnt merely a sudden change of heart of those who previously referred to them as paddies, micks, dagos, wops, etc.
Check this out:

And then this:

And that was in the 70's. It was worse previously.
I've noticed that a few people have mentioned the occurrence of Irish, Italians, and Jewish elevating social class and status, but almost never mentioning how and why. And by "why" I dont mean why THEY did it, no one would refuse economic gain. But rather why it was allowed. Because you can rest-assured it wasnt merely a sudden change of heart of those who previously referred to them as paddies, micks, dagos, wops, etc.

most people dont even know that italians jews italians were discriminated against in the early 20th century

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