What facial hair style do you currently have?

A Ken-Nortonish handlebar mustache equipped with sideburns.

I look like a 1970s pornstar and it ages me a few years but I barely leave to house nowadays so might as well have some fun.
Massive beard but I trimmed in the sides so it's a little more ZZ Top right now.
i've been rocking the hitler youth and conor mcgregor beard for a while
5 o'clock shadow, growing the beard back. I had to go completely clean shaven Monday, to get fitted at work for an N95 mask(if needed).
I have a full beard and I've since I grew it out never shaved and I'm never going to. The plan is to die with a beard.
Longer than usual at 3 days without shaving. Can't imagine trying to hide my face with facial hair, especially the fellas that think a beard makes up for their soft ass jawline.
none. I have Keanu Reeves beard geentics, and have too much pride to be seen looking like that. Beard is one of those things where if you cant do it right, just dont bother.

Stubble that I'm too lazy to shave until it starts to get itchy and irritating.im low maintenance. If I let it grow long enough
I'll get a neck beard that meets up with my chest hair