What does it sound like to you? - doctors are horrible


Green Belt
May 6, 2008
Reaction score
I've been to the hospital a few times for what i thought were aches and pains. my doctor just gives me pain killers but it's not what i need. i got x rays on my joints, and they claim that nothing is wrong, maybe a sprained ankel for example but no big problems. my left arm has a burning pain from my neck down my shouler to my hand...and in training after boxing for awhile my arm feels super heavy. im tired of the pills and always being tired especially if it's just a lazy ass doctor not wanting to take me seriously. what could i review online to figure out what s going on or does anyone have any advice?
Could be a pinched nerve. I have one in my back and it is a real pain. Some days if feels like there is a line of fire going across my should blade and down the back of my arm all the way to my hand.
Do you eat a lot of grains?
I spent over a year taking my wife to different doctors trying to find out what was wrong with her.
Her joints ached, her muscles and body hurt, and she felt exhausted all the time. Doctors gave her steroids and anti-inflammatory.

I did some major research online and found a place that we could test for gluten intolerance.

Followed the instructions, sent it off.

Now my wife is pain free as long as she doesn't accidentally eat gluten.

The funny thing is, she was fine up until she turned 30ish.

So it might be something to look at.

Do you eat a lot of grains?
I spent over a year taking my wife to different doctors trying to find out what was wrong with her.
Her joints ached, her muscles and body hurt, and she felt exhausted all the time. Doctors gave her steroids and anti-inflammatory.

I did some major research online and found a place that we could test for gluten intolerance.

Followed the instructions, sent it off.

Now my wife is pain free as long as she doesn't accidentally eat gluten.

The funny thing is, she was fine up until she turned 30ish.

So it might be something to look at.


Good call, I have a co-worker that had the same thing happen to him around the same age range. Def. worth looking into.
I would agree with Radboy it sounds like a pinched nerve. I had a chiropractor telling me to stop holding the phone between my shoulder and head with no hands because you put a lot of pressure on the musles in the neck. One side gets stretched the other shrinks, you also may pay attention to how you are sleeping, bad pillows etc. Just all things my doctor told me when I was having problems like yours.
I've got that problem bad - i slept wrong once a few weeks back and i couldnt move my neck for like 4 days. i hold the phone just as described and rest my head on the edge of the couch arm while watching tv. i'll fix it, but dang it's alot of bad habits
Do you eat a lot of grains?
I spent over a year taking my wife to different doctors trying to find out what was wrong with her.
Her joints ached, her muscles and body hurt, and she felt exhausted all the time. Doctors gave her steroids and anti-inflammatory.

I did some major research online and found a place that we could test for gluten intolerance.

Followed the instructions, sent it off.

Now my wife is pain free as long as she doesn't accidentally eat gluten.

The funny thing is, she was fine up until she turned 30ish.

So it might be something to look at.


dude, i know like 3 girls who were diagnosed with this too. They started to feel it around 30-32. i honestly had never heard of it until like a year ago, and when i did, i thought it was super rare. I guess it's not.
You could have thoracic outlet syndrome, not super scary... just means you've pinched the nerve bundle from your neck into your arm somewhere along your neck or shoulder.

I would suggest massage targeted to your upper body (neck/shoulder/chest/upper back) to see if it reduces the muscle tension and reduces your symptoms. If you have access to an osteopath that specializes in manual manipulation that would be awesome as they can assess and treat your shoulder/neck in a holistic fashion.

That's where I would start, hope that helps.
Very characteristic of thoracic outlet syndrome which can lead to Paget-Schroetter syndrome (translates into a venous clot secondary to overuse and the aforementioned congenital abnormality). Also given what you have provided you may have cervical stenosis (narrowing of the cervical canal which can be congenital and acquired with martial art activities. Clearly, you need imaging before you jump to meds or manual therapy.

Not all doctors are horrible either.
Sounds a lot like Paget-Schroetter syndrome (effort thrombosis of upper extremity). I Thai box and am/was training for tournament in July (TBA Classic), Last Monday I was training like I normally do but that night my trainer (Dave Rodgers) had me throw 10 hard right hands at 100% at the end of a 3 min round. Didn
there was a study that female doctors spend more time on average with there patients than male doctors and it makes sense bc women are instinctively more caring. my own opinion after reading the article is that asian female doctors are the best derived from firsthand experience and heresay b.c they are taguth honor and respect and hard work and they seem to have freekish memmory so they wont rest until you are healthy... track down an asian female doctor everyone