That's hilarious.
Of all the people who wandered in I wonder how many opted to get the fuck out of there and how many stayed.
LOL I love the dude at 0:38 that grabs his girls arm like he's about to piss himself.
Man, same thing happened to me the first time I walked into my prison cell. Only I didn't have a woman with me ...
It’s a fucking commercial?
I bet they all clapped thoughMan, same thing happened to me the first time I walked into my prison cell. Only I didn't have a woman with me ...
What’s that gif from?Sherdog disappointing
Only correct answer is you lock the door and fill the cinema with uppercuts
Joke aside, will not sit there if i'm there with my woman, will have no problem if i'm there with friends, actually been in potentially worse scenario lol
my anxiety issues - cannot sit in the middle to avoid that.Thing is, I hate sitting right next to strangers and ALSO hate being boxed in like that, so even if they looked like the nicest people in the world I'd have still said fuck it and gotten out of there.