What do you wish your city had that it doesn't?

A city. Suburbs are like an episode of Twin Peaks, minus action, characters, weird stuff and good music. So literally fuckall.
I live in a town of 230 people, what we could use is a gas station. The closest one is 40 minutes away.

What the shit??? Even the most remote Bush towns in Alaska have gas stations....
So white people should not be allowed to move out of neighborhoods? A lot of us don't want to live in a neighborhood that is going to degenerate into a crime ridden cesspool. Sad fact of the matter is, that when minorities move into a neighborhood the property values go down.
Why did you inject race into this?
A NFL football team with an owner who is not a piece of shit. The other posters about the homeless problem in San Diego are spot on as well, its really ridiculous how out of control its getting.
More good Asian food and a better asian supermarket (e.g., 99 Ranch, Mitsuwa). We have a golf course that shutdown and they are thinking of ideas on what to do with the space. A nice town center/mall/entermainment center would be nice for that area, something both indoor/outdoor. The city should also put more effort in revamping downtown. It has potential and charm, but overall nothing special.
because that is what gentrification is. White people leaving city neighborhoods.
Yea you clearly dont know what gentrification actually is so I'll just leave you to your confusion
We have great sporting events, concerts, food, there's a lot to do here really. We really need a train from the airport to the city I guess, and perhaps a longer summer but that's about it. Maybe be closer to the rest of the world, it's a fucking long way to get to any other country by plane really.
Simple question.

Believe it or not Vegas does not have a decent water park. We had Wet n Wild back when I was a kid and it was awesome. They re-opened a new one a few years back but it's too small and lacks bigger rides for adults. Wish we had something like the old one.

Also they need to get rid of these stupid rolling billboards on the strip. They drive 10 mph and you can't see around them. They are everywhere now just clogging up traffic.
wet n wild has that one that is high up and goes straight down. i would say that is for adults. overall it isnt bad, but there are certainly better parks out there. i havent been to cowabunga bay. is that for kids?
Nothing really, LA has everything you need or want.
Less construction
Legalized marijuana
A metro/subway system. I went to D.C. last year and it was so easy to get to places because of it.
Same, I went to D.C. 2 weeks ago and their subway system is awesome. It really hit home to me how important a good metrorail or subway is for a major city. It's awesome to get around the city in minutes during heavy rush hour traffic.
You want twenty-four hour restaurants, you should come to Montreal.

We have awesome women, too.
I actually am going to Montreal this summer. Will be my first time in Montreal or Canada altogether. Which is kinda weird since I grew up in New England and part of my ancestry is French Canadian. I'm gonna try to get some real poutine, try their special bagel and maybe get a smoked meat too.
Less goddam construction.


Montreal has been mired in clownshoe construction for thirty years.

On top of all the city-wide bullshit, they specifically closed off access to my neighborhood... FOR FIVE YEARS. It takes an extra fifteen minutes to get in or out.


I work with a girl who lived in Montreal for years and she said the construction just never ends.

I laughed at the "FOR FIVE YEARS" comment. Man, that sucks. That would seriously make me consider moving, no matter how much I liked living there.
People that aren't already drunk at 9am, things to do besides places to eat. People that aren't human garbage.
If I could just shorten winter by a month I'd be good.

Oh and I wouldn't mind if the drunk across the street had an unfortunate accident. I've already planned it. Just waiting for the right time.
A mountain overlooking it. A huge one.

Saw my first real ones when I worked in Alberta and lived in BC for seven years. I wish Ontario had a mountain range.
Uber/Lyft or a halfway decent train system. The public transport and cabs here are a complete joke if you want to go out and drink.

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