What do you think people do before they commit suicide?


Cunning Linguist
Aug 24, 2002
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I was just thinking this last night when I read that the Reddit co founder killed himself. I guess he had 13 or so felony counts against him for hacking or whatever, his trial was set for later this month, was facing 30 years in jail, etc.

So his suicide was because he was feeling the pressure and REALLY DIDN'T want to go to jail. This wasn't a suicide strictly caused by depression or psychosis or anything. I got to thinking... I wonder what he did his final night? If he planned it out ahead of time and had a final meal and a wank or if maybe he was drunk or something and it was a spur of the moment decision.

What do you you people think most suiciders do?

IF you were going to kill yourself (like maybe if your penis got chewed off by a bear and you were dying of throat cancer) what would you do?
Tidy up a bit around the place and maybe do some vacuuming
I think Lethal Weapon is strongly influencing my opinion on this.
realistically probably think about their family and friends
If I had throat cancer, I wouldn`t kill my self. Cuz I know I`d beat it.

If my dick got bit off and I couldn`t get it reattached then yeah I would. Wouldn`t really bother me, I`d go to a better place and just come back here again eventually anyway.
Anyone got a George Carlin skit where he answers TS's question?
shower,clean up there place,have there last supper.Put on their nicest clothes.Sleep with someone.Next,the probably decide why the shouldn't do it,then do it I guess.
For what it's worth, I think it's pretty common for people to act much more cheerfully once they've made the decision.

Giving away possessions is another common sign.
If I had throat cancer, I wouldn`t kill my self. Cuz I know I`d beat it.

If my dick got bit off and I couldn`t get it reattached then yeah I would. Wouldn`t really bother me, I`d go to a better place and just come back here again eventually anyway.

excellent points all around.
I thought it said he was depressed before this?

He clearly could have tried to hide in another country and lived his life.
I'm a spur of the moment guy, so i'd probably get smashed, cry and then get it over with.