What do you think of this workout?


Orange Belt
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
I got this from reading a Men's Journal workout from Jan 06 while waiting for my contact checkup. It emphasized push/pull, but not so much assistant lifts and all that.

Workout A: Superset 1-Squat, T-pushups; Superset 2: Stepups, two point row; Superset 3: Split good mornings, weighted Swiss ball cruch.

Workout B: Superset 1: Deadlift, Alternating DB Shoulder Press; Superset 2: Static Lunge, Chin-up(or Pull-up); Superset 3: Incline Bench Press, Woodchop( Standing Side Cable Crunch)

First week do A on Mon, B on Wed, A on Fri; next wk B on Mon, A on Wed, B on Fri and so forth. Every Mon whether using workout A or B do 4 supersets of 4 reps with 90 sec rest between supersets. Every Wed do 2 supersets of 12 with 30 sec rest. Every Fri do 3 supersets of 8 reps with 60 sec rest. Optional cardio on Wed & Fri.
I guess, it's just a strength training routine and it has one heavy day, one light, and one medium weight day. It's just a more broken down version of a push/pull scheme that isn't seperate by one day being a pull day the other a push day and one day being just legs.They have push/pull exercises all grouped together. Also, they do all the main compound lifts, but not a lot of them in the same workout.
What is it with Men's magazines and T-Pushups? Every time I flip through one of those ridiculous mags at the dentist they ALWAYS have some sort of strength routine using the T-Pushup.

That said, if you're training for strength I would definitely scrap that routine. I'm not a fan of Super sets for strength.
vadrip said:
I got this from reading a Men's Journal workout from Jan 06 while waiting for my contact checkup. It emphasized push/pull, but not so much assistant lifts and all that.

Workout A: Superset 1-Squat, T-pushups; Superset 2: Stepups, two point row; Superset 3: Split good mornings, weighted Swiss ball cruch.

Workout B: Superset 1: Deadlift, Alternating DB Shoulder Press; Superset 2: Static Lunge, Chin-up(or Pull-up); Superset 3: Incline Bench Press, Woodchop( Standing Side Cable Crunch)

First week do A on Mon, B on Wed, A on Fri; next wk B on Mon, A on Wed, B on Fri and so forth. Every Mon whether using workout A or B do 4 supersets of 4 reps with 90 sec rest between supersets. Every Wed do 2 supersets of 12 with 30 sec rest. Every Fri do 3 supersets of 8 reps with 60 sec rest. Optional cardio on Wed & Fri.

That looks crossfitty.

That might be okay for some weight-added conditioning, but it's no good as a strength routine.
I just object to training systems that draw weaklings, chickenhawks, and perverts like flys to shit.

Crossift is one of those systems.

Garbage in, garbage out. Which means Crossfit is likely to turn you into a weak, old man who likes to have young "straight" males shit on their chest in exchange for a few c notes.
I think certain crossfit workouts can be beneficial for the average trainee who has no real training goals except "general fitness." However, for the most part I think their WOD is just plain stupid.
CarnalSalvation said:
Crossfit= The Devil

This my friend is where our opinions part.. Obviously crossfit is not good for powerlifters or proffesional masturbaters, -but- for freaking fighters a lot of it is extremely sound.
CarnalSalvation said:
Which means Crossfit is likely to turn you into a weak, old man who likes to have young "straight" males shit on their chest in exchange for a few c notes.
I think I saw that in the "what we do" section of their website somewhere...
I use the Total Gym for all of my training needs. Because Chuck Norris said to. And you don't mess with Chuck Norris.
CarnalSalvation said:
Garbage in, garbage out. Which means Crossfit is likely to turn you into a weak, old man who likes to have young "straight" males shit on their chest in exchange for a few c notes.

I nearly vomited from laughing at this. Wow.
CH1LL said:
I use the Total Gym for all of my training needs. Because Chuck Norris said to. And you don't mess with Chuck Norris.
That advert made me feel sick, to see someone as cool as Chuck Norris advertising that pile of monkey turds was just plain awful.

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