Social What do you think of this video of 5G workers being confronted?

Video is from England. A few years old
Woman confronts 5G workers. Says they are going to kill people.


I don't know how to link just the video, so you have to click on the Daily Mail article to see the video


Does this seem fake? Do you think the woman is just putting on an act , for a laugh?
I once saw a video about how 5g started the bat flu. It was done by some guy giving a lecture. It was fascinating.
5G is from China. Anything that comes from China kills <Lmaoo>

They already have 6G by the way. and 9G is coming
I toggled between 4g and 5g on my router a couple times and I will say that I felt a difference, like a quiet pressure in my head with the 5g on. I'm sure it's just suggestibility
I once saw a video about how 5g started the bat flu. It was done by some guy giving a lecture. It was fascinating.
I just realized that both MAGA and Wokeness took a hold at about the same time 5G was rolled out.
Why stand around and chat with her? Once someone shows they have no power and just want to jaw, it’s best to completely ignore them. What an ass
Why stand around and chat with her? Once someone shows they have no power and just want to jaw, it’s best to completely ignore them. What an ass
Dude was being polite? He seems like a laid-back guy, not prone to getting angry.
Fake News. My 4G Phone ran faster than my 5G Phone... if anything we are already dead.
Dude was being polite? He seems like a laid-back guy, not prone to getting angry.
I get that. I didn’t say yell or anything. He has more patience, for sure. Though I worked outside a big portion of my life, and nothing worse than someone trying to hassle you while working. That’s their free time to waste, but I got a job so I can get out of there. Idk. Just would never do that really.
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English woman tries to talk 5G workers into NOT installing 5G fiber optic cable, because 5G will kill people.

Wrap 5g cable round her neck , kick her off a high bridge and her fear may come true...
If she thinks this is bad wait till 6G

The guy should have said he's installing *1g fiber optics*
I once saw a video about how 5g started the bat flu. It was done by some guy giving a lecture. It was fascinating.
I heard if you hang about outside caves where the 5g lives you'll catch a virus......