Social What do you think about this rebuttal to the idea that Gays are trying to influence children?

oh really, I heard domestic violence is common among gays and lesbians.

I did not include gay men in my post. You are the 2nd person to assert this re: lesbians.

I'm curious to see a reliable source.
Honestly, yeah I have. Is it more rare than the 50% divorce rate in straight/traditional marriages?

Yeah. Divorce rates for lesbians have been ridiculous.

"Divorce rates between same-sex couples have meanwhile surged, increasing more than threefold in a year, from 112 to 228. Three quarters of those were between female couples."
My rebuttal to his rebuttal is this.


Straight people would shut down a strip club allowing a child to strip there and start arresting some pedo's...
Are there really that many people worried about gays "influencing" children? To what, be gay themselves? Is this really a big thing?

I think it's great that there are more and more gay influences and role models so that maybe kids that grow up to be gay don't have to go through the hell of feeling like they're fucked up and their feelings are somehow wrong.
Everyone saying they are opposed due to reproductive reasons: what happens in a few decades when the technology exists to let anyone reproduce? What will your excuse be then? Because the day will come.
@dc007 /thread this thing back on the first page, but I gotta say,
I don't think gays are trying to influence our kids and I don't think there's anything wrong the the "is that your girlfriend?" joke.

Everybody needs to chill out.
Best new (to me) AV I've seen in a while.
Not even going to read it
They influence fashion and music more heavily than they should perhaps but who cares
So sorry that the fate of humanity rests on my sexual preference.
Sure that's fair but how many children have been "turned gay" by Kevin Spacey? I'll give you a hint, it's less than 1.
Let's not get lost in the illustration, but I agree that the anti-gay argument is irrational and fear-based.

My point was that 1) it's not an unfounded concern, and 2) it's helpful to understand where ONE person is coming from because 3) one person is an easier avenue to address than the "big picture" with *everyone included.* For one thing is spares me, myself personally, from getting too worked up when someone doesn't agree with my POV, and thus the flow of discussion can become less combative.

Yes, it's silly but it doesn't mean I have to treat it that way.

The argument is asinine because you can't help who you want to fuck gay or straight. If Spacey tried to drunk fuck me, I wouldn't suddenly want to suck dicks. And gays and pedos aren't the same thing and that seems to confuse dummies as well.
I understand your point, but adults don't hold that same level of confidence in children; we consider children to be easily influenced, impressionable, and ill-prepared to handle adult situations. The smart thing to do here is not to vilify the gays but rather strengthen the children. Unfortunately bias plays a role in such parenting, but the nominal thing to do is build confidence, not to steer decisions to the point parents override the child's own decision-making ability.