The Old Man and I try to get together every few weeks and grab some drinks to trade monthly updates.
Conversations have definitely had a change in the last few years. My Old Man is getting up there in age and is going on 76 this year. You couldn’t really tell, still carries himself well and is still very active with his work.
Our conversations have changed immensely in the last few years, the old man and myself have started to really take his age into consideration.. we know we have time left together, but we also acknowledge that one day soon his moon will eclipse.
Conversations got rough for about a year. We went from shooting the shit about bullshit we were going through in life, to conversations about what his hopes were for myself and my siblings and hammering into each of us about what we should expect to get or not get after he passes.
Those were not great conversations to have with a parent, but they are important conversations that should be had. Now I look at it as being thankful that we have both lived long enough to have these types of conversations with each other.
After going through that stage, our conversations turned from me telling random dumb events I’ve been through, to now me asking my father as many questions as I can about his life that I never really knew or thought that I didn’t care to know..
The conversations that we are currently under review are his thoughts and opinions on how he navigated his 40s-50’s.. It has been very enjoyable and lessons learned about myself, since I am only beginning that chapter moving into my mid 40s..