What do you say when...

No good advice in this case.
Just do what you can.
I just say, “Have you heard the news? Christ is returning.”
There’s no faster way to make someone want to end the conversation.
I read a story a few years ago from some lady in montana or colorado, she picked up some hitchhiker in the 70's and she started talking the gospel to him, that evil fucker couldn't wait to get away from her. She later found out that Ted Bundy had escaped from the local jail and was on the loose. It was him.
I have a woman in my orbit who’s in her seventies and absolutely miserable. Politely ask her how she is and oh man, now you’re in for it. You’ll hear about how absolutely terrible life is in every way and it’s never ending. I don’t even say anything. Might throw in an, “oh!” But yeah I just . . . Avoid her for the most part lmao.
Old people really strain one's patience. I had an old friend, just hated everyone and everything and had nothing nice to say about anyone. I finally had to cut him off, he pissed me off telling me, "what have you done all these years". Like I'm out here just fucking off and not making money for the fun of it. Our friendship never recovered, he died in 2017 and I mourned him, still do. I shouldn't have reacted like that, I feel guilty over it but people period are a trip. If you're coming to them, helping them, giving them your time it's something that's sacred and should be treated that way, not shit upon. We never spoke again, sadly.
I didnt have expectations for this thread and yet somehow these replies arent quite what id expected. I assumed the average age here is higher than mine. Im 35. I guess I was asking for some wisdom and am surprised by the cold and bitter reaction people are saying they have to people who just truthfully tell you they arent well.

We are talking stroke victims who lost their husband within the year. Old war veterans who ruined their lungs with cigarettes and just got a cancer diagnosis and the like. Id underatand this reaction to someone my age lamenting being over weight and in a dead end job, i would think there is more empathy for the old, sickly and suffering.