What do you do when you've got sunburned?


Aug 9, 2013
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I am super fair skinned - so I burn in basically seconds of strong sun light.
It sucks - in addition to not being able to tan - so I occasionally get a spray tan (no homo).

But - burnt skin is, among the worst types of pain to me.

Aftersun, moisturizer, alo-vera, fucking yoghurt - at a particularly bad point, I put on cortisol steroid cream, which was kind of good.

But - unquestionably - the treatment which take the most amount of pain away, and heals up the skin faster than ANYTHING else is....


Hog water!!

Yes - urine.

Is it to me, the best skin treatment - ahead of just about anything else.

It bemuses me how this is not promoted more.

Anyhow - I got fucking scorched today - so I'm just after laying in the bath and soaking my back, neck and arms in said urine.
Then I waited for it to dry in - then did it again - and again and again and again.

Then I showered.

Gonna do the same in the morning, etc - until I'm pain free.

Am I the only one?
Decide to never get burned again.

Proceed to hide from the sun as much as possible.

Also aloe vera, and a fan.
Btw definitely not taking a bath in piss not sure what level TS is on.
Start wearing a hat, Powder

ive never gotten sun burn. as a kid id spend entire days outside, and as a teen worked all day in the sun on a farm. i just don't burn lol.
lol - what film is that?

Need to watch it.

I can't hide from the sun.
I love flashing my pythons and staring creepily at chicks during the fine summer weather.

The film is Powder
Use aftersun.. don't walk about without a t-shirt, wear white if you can. Moisturize your skin
ive never gotten sun burn. as a kid id spend entire days outside, and as a teen worked all day in the sun on a farm. i just don't burn lol.
Don't lie. You're a homebody and you're as pale as TS
Don't lie. You're a homebody and you're as pale as TS
i said as a kid and teen.
now i just go outside to read on my swing, check my roses, and go for walks.
very humdrum life ^.^
Absorbine Jr.
Take 3 or 4 ibuprofen. It helps. Trust me I’m a ginja, I know.
I just live with it, eventually your skin will darken and not get burned until winter. Enjoy the pain. I also don't wear sun screen as I don't believe in it...
Racist thread. Need more non-sunburning diversity in here to teach you about their relationship with the sun.