Only certain types of food I can't find around here. Mostly stuff I had in other places. Grab a box of these every 6 months or so.
Japanese peanuts made in Mexico. Go figure.
I think that this is the new reality of retail. The overall Quality of the most simple items decreased tremendously from say 15 years ago. The lifecycle of most items has been wilfully decreased by manufacturers. Planned obsolescence is a real thing and the customer is so addicted to the act of purchasing that he‘s happy to buy cheap throwaway products that he‘ll have to re-buy. The idden cost for the customer though is to deal with returning the item when it‘s unusable, which happens often now.Next to nothing now.
I cancelled Amazon Prime almost 2 years ago. I got tired of receiving used items, not knowing if
it was counterfeit, batteries that damaged my electronic equipment etc.
I don't want to roll the dice or play detective when I place an online order.
Fuck that company.
The last thing was a WD 22tb hard drive.
why amazon?
- largest i could find locally was 20tb
- 20tb locally was about $300-$400 more expensive then amazons 22tb.
- non of the shops around here stock anything that large, so it would have to be delivered from another store and would take up 2-3 weeks. amazon on the other hand sent 22tb from germany to australia in a week.
I think that this is the new reality of retail. The overall Quality of the most simple items decreased tremendously from say 15 years ago. The lifecycle of most items has been wilfully decreased by manufacturers. Planned obsolescence is a real thing and the customer is so addicted to the act of purchasing that he‘s happy to buy cheap throwaway products that he‘ll have to re-buy. The idden cost for the customer though is to deal with returning the item when it‘s unusable, which happens often now.