What did you do during sparring in your frst 5-10 lessons?


White Belt
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all,

Just had me second lesson and i was wondering what you all did during your first say 5/10 lessons during sparring. I was able to shrimp out of sidemount and do a basic sweep (well they go easy on me so i can try what we have learned), but must of the time i am just holding/hugging but i don't know/feel what to do next or what my goal should be.

Well maybe i know "don't get submitted". So i need defense first :rolleyes:

Any experience to share??
I just had my second lesson. First lesson I was hoping for the worst. Got put in an omoplata first time i rolled, then the next time I tapped to an americana lol.

Second lesson I already made improvements because of positional things.
Pull guard and hold on to dear life... And get pinned in side control for the entire round. Pretty fun stuff.
People should think about BJJ like piano lessons. Why get worked up about your "performance" during your first piano lessons? You can't even play a scale or a chord! Who cares how you do? It's the strangest thing. It's not like after 4 years of piano lessons you look back and shed a tear for how awesome or lame you were at week 3.

My advice is to (a) have fun; (b) stay safe; and (c) do whatever your instructor tells you to do.
People should think about BJJ like piano lessons. Why get worked up about your "performance" during your first piano lessons? You can't even play a scale or a chord! Who cares how you do? It's the strangest thing. It's not like after 4 years of piano lessons you look back and shed a tear for how awesome or lame you were at week 3.

My advice is to (a) have fun; (b) stay safe; and (c) do whatever your instructor tells you to do.

If you're anything like me, you will get a lot of practice defending submissions while mounted.

Ah, tx for all the answers/experience. So being clueless ain't something strange.

@zankou, well i feel you but ,and i never had piano lessons, the big difference with bjj is the fact you roll/spar right away and with piano lessons i don't think you may freestyle the last part of a session.

Must say the ones i rolled with give very good tips

and yes i planning to have a safe and fun bjj
pull guard and armbar. i almost had a 3rd stripe blue belt to add to my collection of blues and purples that i have a collection of because i had a super-secret guard that only i knew of as a white belt with barely any training. and i had a camcorder and a blog
My advice is to (a) have fun; (b) stay safe; and (c) do whatever your instructor tells you to do.[/QUOTE]

AMEN to that!:icon_chee
pull guard and armbar. i almost had a 3rd stripe blue belt to add to my collection of blues and purples that i have a collection of because i had a super-secret guard that only i knew of as a white belt with barely any training. and i had a camcorder and a blog

i heard you almost tapped your teacher too man...you're a legend haha
here's what i did when i first started. I always made sure that my sparring partner knew i was a beginner. Whenever i got tapped or swept or countered for example, i would stop and ask the person if he could show me what he just did. I have always found Grapplers to be generous IF you show humility and the want for earnest learning. Go in there and spaz giving them a black eye and they will despise rolling with you. Don't be that guy.
People should think about BJJ like piano lessons. Why get worked up about your "performance" during your first piano lessons? You can't even play a scale or a chord! Who cares how you do? It's the strangest thing. It's not like after 4 years of piano lessons you look back and shed a tear for how awesome or lame you were at week 3.

My advice is to (a) have fun; (b) stay safe; and (c) do whatever your instructor tells you to do.

I think I am going to pass this of as one of my own wise sayings the next time I go to the gym.
got tapped out 1000 times by the same 3 or 4 subs i learn alot