What did you call this game where you're from

We called it Aussie Rules, or maybe it was Ozzy Rules, either way it was an instant trip to the vice-principal's office if the teachers caught us playing it during school hours.
Back when I grew up I don't think most of us even knew what a queer was. I didn't. It was just defined as a weirdo.
It’s all good,

I was only like 7-8yo when I used to play that game.

I only knew what that word was and meant because I had older teenage cousins who would make us play the game for their entertainment..

It was as simple as,

Older Cousin: This is what a queer is, are you a queer?

Lil Me: No!

Older Cousin: Well then go tackle the queer!

Lil Me: OKAY!!!
It’s all good,

I was only like 7-8yo when I used to play that game.

I only knew what that word was and meant because I had older teenage cousins who would make us play the game for their entertainment..
Honestly, I thought it meant British when I was that age
Yeah pretty much. Note even though I'm an Aussie rugby is a niche sport in my state, we're mainly Aussie rules, it's NSW and Queensland that are the main rugby states.
Interesting. I thought rugby was really popular countrywide there. Seems similar to how hockey is in the USA where I live. It's gotten more countrywide attention nowadays to a certain degree but for the longest time it was only popular in the upper midwest and northeast.
In England we weren't gay so we didn't use a ball, called it British Bulldog. Variation on bulldog except instead of tagging you had to put your man right the fuck down. When I say man I mean other 10 years olds
Was your team name the sissy Nannie’s ?
We called it kill the guy. Then we couldn’t call it that anymore bc it had the word kill. So we called it smear the queer. Which wa totally acceptable.

We also called a doggy pile something different and incredibly racist. But as 4th graders we didn’t really know it was racist.
kill the man with the ball or tackle the man with the ball. thinking about it, it's funny how many different little ways you would get tested growing up, if you had an outside crew.
Yup. We did bicycle jumps over kids too. Used to climb trees to the top on windy days and sway back and forth as well.
Interesting. I thought rugby was really popular countrywide there. Seems similar to how hockey is in the USA where I live. It's gotten more countrywide attention nowadays to a certain degree but for the longest time it was only popular in the upper midwest and northeast.

Yeah an Argentinian guy i trained with moved to Australia, he loves rugby so thought he'd fit in. Problem was he moved to Melbourne and quickly found no one really cares about rugby, he had to start following Aussie Rules ha ha

Ice hockey has some sort of presence down here too, there is a national league I believe. You can pretty much find any sport around the world in Melbourne, we even have American football believe it or not.