Crime What did the cops do wrong today. Vol. 2

100% if that cop wasn’t black and that psycho bitch white there would be riots with Biden calling for their heads.

This is a political issue and the leftist DAs are making the cities and states around the country unsafe intentionally. Whether it’s catch and release or downgrading crimes. They fucking downgraded this psycho bitch’s assault

I don’t care who the fuck you are, you assault a cop arresting an armed felon you are lucky to be alive. The Democrat Reich and their propaganda emboldens these morons to attack cops

Oh, I agree that if the cop had been white there would have been a ton more fallout
Threatens himself with knife.
Pigs shoot him 5 times!

Bet he wont do it again

this one is really bad. The officer approaches the guy and when the guy holds up a knife, another officer shoots him. The guy screams constantly and sounds like this :
Where is the video showing the shooting? Did he actually try to stab one of the cops.

He was high on something or just crazy. The video doesn't show what happened.
They found a ton of drugs in his system, including meth. Still doesn't justify what happened though.
It’s a mindset

It’s her mindset and she says she speaks for herself “but probably for others as well” which isn’t true. Unless my lights were on, I went the speed limit or only slightly above because I knew everyone was always watching me because I was a cop, so I felt I had to be impeccable in how I presented myself to the public. I used to actually care how the profession was seen and tried to always present a positive interaction with the public, and I remember every time I didn’t do that the few times I got frustrated and I still get embarrassed over it even 20 years later. But this woman cop and her “get the fuck out of the way” psa does not speak for all law enforcement officers and she is a cunt for thinking she does and she probably thinks she is being cool and funny, but she’s not
They found a ton of drugs in his system, including meth. Still doesn't justify what happened though.

I think it most likely could have been handled differently. However right now I don't know if he actually went for the cop with the knife.
It’s her mindset and she says she speaks for herself “but probably for others as well” which isn’t true. Unless my lights were on, I went the speed limit or only slightly above because I knew everyone was always watching me because I was a cop, so I felt I had to be impeccable in how I presented myself to the public. I used to actually care how the profession was seen and tried to always present a positive interaction with the public, and I remember every time I didn’t do that the few times I got frustrated and I still get embarrassed over it even 20 years later. But this woman cop and her “get the fuck out of the way” psa does not speak for all law enforcement officers and she is a cunt for thinking she does and she probably thinks she is being cool and funny, but she’s not
She ain’t a cunt.

she’s an idiot that is likely bout to have this video be shown every time she has to appear in court cause someone pled not guilty
She ain’t a cunt.

she’s an idiot that is likely bout to have this video be shown every time she has to appear in court cause someone pled not guilty

Ok, bitch then if you feel cunt was too strongly worded. Personally, I hate cops that have her attitude and feeling of superiority and I look upon them as what is wrong with the profession-it’s not the shootings when cops think the perp has a weapon or some shitbag flees know a stolen car and gets shot when he reaches in his waistband, it’s this entitled attitude that drives an us vs them mentality, which for most cops, does not exist. At least it didn’t for me. I felt like part of the community and always worked to try to be part of the community and it was never “well, I am a cop so I am special” attitude
Ok, bitch then if you feel cunt was too strongly worded. Personally, I hate cops that have her attitude and feeling of superiority and I look upon them as what is wrong with the profession-it’s not the shootings when cops think the perp has a weapon or some shitbag flees know a stolen car and gets shot when he reaches in his waistband, it’s this entitled attitude that drives an us vs them mentality, which for most cops, does not exist. At least it didn’t for me. I felt like part of the community and always worked to try to be part of the community and it was never “well, I am a cop so I am special” attitude

She’s a punk ass bitch.

there’s a difference.

She talks tough due to her gun and badge.

make her get down for an agreed upon and you will see she is actually a cowardly pussy punk bitch with a very obvious eating disorder.

She’s a punk ass bitch.

there’s a difference.

She talks tough due to her gun and badge.

make her get down for an agreed upon and you will see she is actually a cowardly pussy punk bitch with a very obvious eating disorder.

Ok, you win. I think she is doing whatever she can to be liked
That story/vid of the kid with the knives is pretty bad. If he were black Denver would be in flames.

but really, that’s a story that should get some massive national attention if people are serious about protesting law enforcement/pushing reform
I am willing to bet money he draws anthropomorphic dragons or has been outed for bad touching a classroom pet.

how the fuck does somebody with that level of social issues get to pin on a badge?

they gave Radio a gun yall!

He genuinely looks special needs, or mentally disabled. Surely that's a fake uniform he's wearing?!