What are you playing? v.10 (Red Falcon Edition)

Your Super Contra gun of choice?

  • Machine gun (Highest ROF, 6-bullet on-screen cap)

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Started up Spiderman 2 game looks incredible. The story has been great so far but still haven't unlocked venom. I'm kind of bee-lining the story now to try and do that and then I'll do some SQ stuff.
Lost Odyssey

I remember when this game came out and was quickly forgotten about. I believe it came out around the same time as a few other Xbox JRPG's, and just got lumped in with the mediocrity. Heard a lot of good things over the years, though, and finally decided to snag it.

I've only just begun, but I'm liking it. The music is just awesome. A little derivative of FFVII's score, but if you're gonna borrow, borrow from the best. The voice acting is surprisingly great. There's this one character that's supposed to be annoying, but I think he's hilarious, and I swear he's voiced by Ivan Raimi(I honestly have no idea, but he sounds just like his goofy character from "Xena"). The art direction is really cool, and even runs circles around most modern JRPG's. They've got the comic book panel thing going on in the cut scenes, but it feels purposeful and really adds to it all. It's not just there. I've only got some base knowledge of it's combat system, but it seems mostly traditional with a few tricks.

After being bored to tears with a prominent modern JRPG "Tales of Arise" and it's bland storytelling, I'm impressed at how quickly this one grabbed me. I thought that maybe I was getting a little old for these types of games, but no. It's the writing and presentation that brings it home.

Early days, but this one just feels good right out of the gate.
Lost Odyssey

I remember when this game came out and was quickly forgotten about. I believe it came out around the same time as a few other Xbox JRPG's, and just got lumped in with the mediocrity. Heard a lot of good things over the years, though, and finally decided to snag it.

I've only just begun, but I'm liking it. The music is just awesome. A little derivative of FFVII's score, but if you're gonna borrow, borrow from the best. The voice acting is surprisingly great. There's this one character that's supposed to be annoying, but I think he's hilarious, and I swear he's voiced by Ivan Raimi(I honestly have no idea, but he sounds just like his goofy character from "Xena"). The art direction is really cool, and even runs circles around most modern JRPG's. They've got the comic book panel thing going on in the cut scenes, but it feels purposeful and really adds to it all. It's not just there. I've only got some base knowledge of it's combat system, but it seems mostly traditional with a few tricks.

After being bored to tears with a prominent modern JRPG "Tales of Arise" and it's bland storytelling, I'm impressed at how quickly this one grabbed me. I thought that maybe I was getting a little old for these types of games, but no. It's the writing and presentation that brings it home.

Early days, but this one just feels good right out of the gate.
Maybe the best battle theme ever.
Well guys I believe I might... I MIGHT be at the end of RDR2.

It's been a wild ride. There was a fucking grizzly bear in a small cabin. Arthur passed away peacefully on a mountaintop and I saw sincere regret in Dutch's eyes. I am hoping--- HOPING that I get to put a bullet into Micah's head. I know that John, Uncle, Abagail and Jack make it since they're all in RDR. I'm worried about Sadie and Charles. I have this awful, awful feeling that the Skinners are going to get Charles-- they already almost got Uncle and they'll probably come looking for us again.

The emotional rollercoaster of these characters has been incredible. Seeing Dutch just start to lose hope and patience has been excruciating. Seeing Arthur still hold to his code amidst all of the chaos was heartening. And when he gave money to Mrs. Downes and her boy... it was so tough. He said "Just take it. Don't thank me, don't forgive me, just take it and go. Start a new life." The kid says "Thank you, Mr. Morgan" and in a heart-breaking voice he cuts him off and says "I said don't thank me. Just make sure you get out of here."

I think the voice acting in this game is the best of any I've ever experienced. You could easily, easily make an exceedingly profitable movie with the blueprint they've made here. I'm off to play the original after this lol.

Hell I may even boot up GTA IV since I never finished it.

What a ride. What an amazing ride
Lost Odyssey

I remember when this game came out and was quickly forgotten about. I believe it came out around the same time as a few other Xbox JRPG's, and just got lumped in with the mediocrity. Heard a lot of good things over the years, though, and finally decided to snag it.

I've only just begun, but I'm liking it. The music is just awesome. A little derivative of FFVII's score, but if you're gonna borrow, borrow from the best. The voice acting is surprisingly great. There's this one character that's supposed to be annoying, but I think he's hilarious, and I swear he's voiced by Ivan Raimi(I honestly have no idea, but he sounds just like his goofy character from "Xena"). The art direction is really cool, and even runs circles around most modern JRPG's. They've got the comic book panel thing going on in the cut scenes, but it feels purposeful and really adds to it all. It's not just there. I've only got some base knowledge of it's combat system, but it seems mostly traditional with a few tricks.

After being bored to tears with a prominent modern JRPG "Tales of Arise" and it's bland storytelling, I'm impressed at how quickly this one grabbed me. I thought that maybe I was getting a little old for these types of games, but no. It's the writing and presentation that brings it home.

Early days, but this one just feels good right out of the gate.

Nobuos magnum opus IMHO. One of the most underrated games too. Kaim Argonar is a great protagonist. He reminds me of Kiryu from Yakuza except even more reserved, if that's even possible.


30 hours in to my replay which I picked up the Anniversary edition. Loving it again and all its jank. Lost my waifu Lydia on the 7000 step journey to see the Greybeards to an Ice Troll your sacrifice will be remembered. Now going with Arenea as my follower she was the Azura Shrine Dark Elf attendant. Pretty GOAT'ed she is. Love her magic attacks.

Just joined the Thieves Guild so might progress that a bit then build some houses.
Okay. After a few more various runs of Hades 2 and unlocking almost everything so far I can give a proper review as of the current state of the game.

1. The question you ask first: How does it hold up to the original?
A: Just fine. It improves on mechanics but provides a different playstyle as well.

2. How are the upgrades/boons?
A: Same as the first game although quite a few require buffs atm being as it is in Early Access

3. Bosses/enemies
A: MUCH tankier than before and late game can provide some frustrating encounters. Learning enemy attack patterns are more important than ever. Armored enemies are MUCH worse than in the first installment. Bosses do have quite predictable moves though.

4. Keepsakes and upgrades.
A: Well, THIS is my biggest gripe. In Hades 1 you could max out everything in the mirror and have an ideal build even without a proper loadout. This time around, you BETTER choose your "mirror" or Arcana this time for each specific weapon.

5. What's different?
Quite a bit. You can now sprint after your dodge. Your cast isn't reserved to crystals and works MUCH differently. More currency types. Different type of the "Mirror" upgrades work as something called Arcana Cards. There is also an alternate path up to Mt Olympus but that is incomplete so far.

Overall, for it being in Early Access, the game is a 9 alone based just off of content. I fully expect them to balance and patch weaker boons as well as damage for enemies.
Been replaying Fallout 3. After Doom it feels slow and clunky with horrible gunplay but it still has great atmosphere with some corny but charming dialogue and pretty decent quests. They really nailed the feeling of being alone while wandering the wasteland.
Some sherbro mentioned dragonage was free. I tried it out but the game seemed kind of boring. Does it better after the prologue? The combat seems kinda jenk.
Some sherbro mentioned dragonage was free. I tried it out but the game seemed kind of boring. Does it better after the prologue? The combat seems kinda jenk.
I went back and forth on that one. Absolutely hated it when I first played it, but then loved it when I gave it another chance. Can't put my finger on why, except for embracing the grind and getting into the story. It's got weird setup that can seem confusing and aimless at first, but once you start to get a grip on it's overall loop, it gets addictive.
Your cast isn't reserved to crystals and works MUCH differently.
That was my one and only complaint about the original. The casting never felt natural with those stupid crystals. I barely ever used it. Is it more of a standard mana pool thing this time around?
I went back and forth on that one. Absolutely hated it when I first played it, but then loved it when I gave it another chance. Can't put my finger on why, except for embracing the grind and getting into the story. It's got weird setup that can seem confusing and aimless at first, but once you start to get a grip on it's overall loop, it gets addictive.
It's like one giant cut scene after another. The combat is just me holding a button. There isn't a roll or dodge. I will try it some more but so far it seems really dated.
It's like one giant cut scene after another. The combat is just me holding a button. There isn't a roll or dodge. I will try it some more but so far it seems really dated.
The combat is what it is, but it gets better once you get going. The opening is just a brief tutorial on the basics. I wouldn't get too turned off by. It's not Dark Souls, though. It's a strategic team based battle system, like the other DA games. Set up your tanks, mages and whatnot in an optimal battle formation, and try to get them complimenting each other.
That was my one and only complaint about the original. The casting never felt natural with those stupid crystals. I barely ever used it. Is it more of a standard mana pool thing this time around?
Yes, this time you have a mana bar which is used for "Omegas". You can hold attack, special, or cast down to do an enhanced version of them which requires mana.
Anyone try Hellblade 2 yet? Reviews seem to be all over the place
RDR2 is done. I loved it. I truly, truly loved it.

I'm thinking maybe doing GTA now. Between IV and V which is better? I have both on Steam.
RDR2 is done. I loved it. I truly, truly loved it.

I'm thinking maybe doing GTA now. Between IV and V which is better? I have both on Steam.

I think 4 is amazing. The story is just so damn good. Couldn’t even get into 5 I tried like three times.
Anyone try Hellblade 2 yet? Reviews seem to be all over the place
I can only imagine that they're being a bit more harsh on the shortcomings they ignored in the first game, like it's basic and repetitive combat. The first game was good, but had a lot of problems that went unaddressed in most reviews.

I'll probably give it a go sometime this week. I'm expecting a solid 7/10 experience, like the last game. At the end of the day, the original was kind of a budget title that got buy on it's story and atmosphere(and shockingly good graphics). I'm expecting more of the same.
RDR2 is done. I loved it. I truly, truly loved it.

I'm thinking maybe doing GTA now. Between IV and V which is better? I have both on Steam.
IV has a better story, and the physics are way better and more unpredictable(although it takes time to warm up to it. Driving will be a bitch at first) There's a lot more attention to detail in IV, but it's fairly linear with not much in the way of "sandbox" activities. You'll be driving and shooting throughout. Not much craziness. GTAV is more of a total package, even if it does scale back the physics engine a bit. The base game is also FAR better looking, as GTAIV has this muddy washed out look to it, that hasn't aged all that well.

You can't really go wrong, though. They're both excellent.
Animal Well, charming, adorable little metrodvania/puzzle game with basically zero hand holding.

Hatch from a flower then be on your way, really excellent so far.