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What are the best MMO games ?


Starfleet Belt
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
Player interaction games like EVE Online and Star trek Online seem pretty cool to me.
People seem to be into GTA V multiplayer as well.
Are people still playing WoW ? What more good stuff is out there?

ehh depends on what you're looking for.

ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) IMO is the best classic MMO right now.
There's a shit load of content and things to do, but the game does not guide you or hand hold your way there.

I don't care what anyone says, GTA Online is not an MMO. Max players per server is like 30 players.
If you're into MMO's like Ultima Online, Legends of Aria is probably your only hope. It maintains a lot of what made the original UO great (full loot, true open world pvp, housing, taming, etc.)

I'm personally playing a lot of Arma 3 Exile Zombies.
You basically spawn in a huge open world map with nothing but a bottle of water.
Some basic survival elements (food, water, health) and loot towns for weapons/gear. Zombies hordes are spread throughout the city that drop random items. Players can kill you anywhere outside of the trade zone and take all your shit (full loot FTW)
You sell said gear to NPCs for money and respect points (respect points upgrade the tier of shit you can buy)
Once you get enough money you can buy a flag, build a base, store your guns/gear/food and claim some land as yours.
We're at a really low point in MMO gaming. I've been here every step of the way, and love the genre, but it's stale right now. Here's a list of my all time favorites though.


Everquest (www.everquest.com you can check out the new Agnarr server which is very populated, or www.project1999.com for a free emulated version of how EQ was in 1999)
Dark Age of Camelot (www.darkageofcamelot.com In a bad state on live, but they are launching a 'fresh start free to play' server in the 'near future', so stay tuned)
World of Warcraft (A string of bad expansions have brought this mighty titan low, but Legion isn't bad. It's fun, just doesn't have the sticking power for old timers like me. Also launching a new "classic" server soon www.worldofwarcraft.com)
Guild Wars 1 (Brought 'Arena' to MMO's, for better or worse...)
Edit: Albion Online was an amazing ride early on. Sucks they sold out, but the first couple months this game was out, it was magical: Full loot. Beautiful open world, FFA PvP. No fucks given, balls to the wall. Just imagine the though of encountering another group of adventurers in the world, and fighting it out. Winner take all.


Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (Dead/Defunct, RIP)
Guild Wars 2
Elder Scrolls Online (Fun game when it launched, and I hear it's gotten better...)

Didn't like:

Ultima Online
Lineage 2
Blade and Soul

(notice how most of these are Korean games?)
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GTA online is definitely not an MMO but I have a feeling Rockstar is going that direction.

GTA6/Vice City or whatever will push it to that point.
Warhammer Online (dead but can be played on a private server and its realitvely active all things considered)
Guild Wars 2
Planetside 2

whats next ahead that im looking forward to is Crowfall and Camelot Unchained
I played a DC Justice League MMO game some time ago.
Couldn't understand what the objectives were.
But the graphics of the JL Hall of Heroes was pretty cool.
It was also alot in-game buy stuff.

Edit: Found it : DC Universe Online

I liked swtor when it first came out and have gone back a few times to play its very basic mmo but if you never played it the stories are pretty good on some characters. DCU Online was fun at the start but got boring, but its free so why not give it a shot.
I played a DC Justice League MMO game some time ago.
Couldn't understand what the objectives were.
But the graphics of the JL Hall of Heroes was pretty cool.
It was also alot in-game buy stuff.

Edit: Found it : DC Universe Online

This was ridiculously fun to play on a world PvP server. With the superhero movement (Superspeed, acrobatics, flight) using buildings or abilities to stun you could escape from higher level players looking to gank lower level players. It made exploring and fighting in the world more interesting. Also, randomly getting together at the statue of Superman to have a giant heroes v villains battle was some of the best fun I've ever had in an MMO.

The PvP was fun, with a rock/paper/scissors melee + super hero powers on top of it.

If they rereleased it with a better interface (was kind of ass when I played) and a graphics update i'd be all over it.
As for one not mentioned, FFXIV is a great MMO with a metric shit ton of stuff for you to do in the game.

The Old Republic had a great base to it, haven't played it in years but I enjoyed the stories for each class, especially the Sith warrior. Got a little grindy though.
I started playing ESO agian, and man that game is loaded with content.
Still my favorite all around MMO right now. I highly suggest you add me if you plan on playing, I can help guide and show you the ropes of pvp.
Read some amazing stories about EVE Online. Like proper space opera/galactic politics shit going on. I never had the patience to learn the basics of the game though so I never became a Palpatine or anything

I read the stories back in old issues of PC Gamer. There must be something online chronicling all the shit going on. Some of it was like straight out of an Iain Banks novel or some shit
PlanetSide 2 is fantastic, but also on its last legs.
UO around t2a was amazing, but became progressively more "bluebie" with the success of EQ and lost a lot of the magic.

EQ in its day was amazing, even moreso if you got to the endgame content, and on another level on a pvp server. You dont know what power is in a game until you LITERALLY have the ability to single handedly ruin the nights of 50+ people. The gear gap between a random guy who got to level 60 and a guy with raid loot was so insane, you were borderline unkillable, even against groups of non-raiders.

I started playing again for a bit a few years ago and the nostalgia hit hard and pulled me in deep. It was comical that raid content that would destroy full raids of 50-100 people back in the day could be done solo now. (Although tbf, thats not much different in WoW, I could easily solo all of the non gimmicky old raid mobs with my DK in WoTLK.)

Wow was great up until Cata, then I stopped caring.
Are there any MMOs with the combat of single player games? I tried ESO but got bored with it.
Are there any MMOs with the combat of single player games? I tried ESO but got bored with it.
If there are, I sure haven't played them. :( That's the thing with MMORPGs... their combat is almost always complete fucking shit compared to virtually every SP RPG out there.