Movies What are the best film antagonists ever?

650lb Sumo

Black Belt
Aug 25, 2021
Reaction score
I've decided to break them into the following categories:

(1) Human
(2) Humanoid
(3) Other

Note that 'human' is just a vanilla human. A human with superpowers, or possessed by a demon, or a werewolf or anything else puts them in Category Two. If it's something that shifts between humanoid and non-humanoid forms, like Pennywise or the T1000 I would weigh it up. Is its base form humanoid? T1000 yes so Category Two, Pennywise no so Category Three. Please respect the categories or we won't be comparing like with like. My choices:

Human: Hannibal Lecter by Anthony Hopkins


Completely frightening, malevolent and disturbing, then he escapes!

Humanoid: Dracula by Gary Oldman


Dracula has been portrayed on screen so many times and of course I haven't seem them all. Maybe some will say Christopher Lee was better. Maybe he was but for me it's Gary Oldman. Dracula is such a great character, Stoker caught lightning in a bottle with that novel. He's so creepy and unsettling and it seems like his opponents have no chance.

Interesting that both Lecter and Dracula are aristocrats. In fact Clarice Starling is clearly out of her depth dealing with Lecter as well.

Other: Azazel in 'Fallen' (1998)


I bet you weren't expecting this one! Azazel is a disembodied fallen angel that possesses people and moves between them at will (with a few exceptions), usually by making the person he's possessed touch the person he wants to jump into. You can't actually see Azazel but the way the various actors portray him is chilling and in the end, like Lecter, he escapes! Another powerful and unsettling supernatural enemy that fills you with dread and despair. I find supernatural things much scarier than a common or garden monster.
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1. Human - JJ Abrams. It's crazy how the heroes fought so hard to make their movie not suck balls, but in the end, the bad guy won.

2. Humanoid - Amy Schumer from that interview she did on Ellen where she stole Ellen's joke and then told it to Ellen as of it were her own.

3. Other - God, from the story of Job. He let the devil torture Job just so he could win an argument. And he let the devil killed Job's family too, and we're supposed to be okay with it because Job gets a new family at the end. But that's fucked up. You can't just replace my dead family and expect everything to be fine. Job's wife and kids are people too. They're certainly not happy.