What are the basics? What is needed before bluebelt?

Ahee. GX

Green Belt
Jun 4, 2003
Reaction score
So everyone says the basics.
What do you believe is the basics and what is needed to become a bluebelt so I can focus on it from now on.
Im not gonna try any fancy guards, which I believe some white belts try. Ive had guys at my level try spider gaurd on me all the time.

How to pull guard properly.
The elements of a gi throw (off-balance, load, drop)
Appropriate guard posture
How to open the closed guard
How to stand in the closed guard
How to do an armbar
How to do a triangle
How to do a RNC
How to do a kimura
How to create space when mounted
How to shrimp off of your opponent
Appropriate grips when using guard or passing guard
How to take away space when mounting

And, most importantly....

How to reset the guard.

I put those particular submissions in their because if you know the mechanics than you can apply them to many different parts of the body from a lot of positions.
at least two sweeps, escapes, and submissions from every position. (guard, mount, side control, half guard, etc) understand which positions are more beneficial to you, beneficial to your opponent, or neutral.

pretty much dont worry about it too much and just practice what your instructors teach you. get in as much mat time as possible and compete whenever you can.
work ethic
try to be humble
technique over strength

How to pull guard properly.
The elements of a gi throw (off-balance, load, drop)
Appropriate guard posture
How to open the closed guard
How to stand in the closed guard
How to do an armbar
How to do a triangle
How to do a RNC
How to do a kimura
How to create space when mounted
How to shrimp off of your opponent
Appropriate grips when using guard or passing guard
How to take away space when mounting

And, most importantly....

How to reset the guard.
just knowing the techniques should be for your stripes. A blue should understand how to apply them but most importantly how to time your moves.
just knowing the techniques should be for your stripes. A blue should understand how to apply them but most importantly how to time your moves.

I think those are the basics, but for arguments sake, what should a purple belt be able to do?
Tying your belt. Ive seen lots of blues with shitty ass tied belts at tourneys.
what is needed? hmm..... maybe this?
shrimping, closed guard fundamentals, open guard dos and donts
the power of posture
side control and mount pressure
escapes from precarious positions

How to pull guard properly.
The elements of a gi throw (off-balance, load, drop)
Appropriate guard posture
How to open the closed guard
How to stand in the closed guard
How to do an armbar
How to do a triangle
How to do a RNC
How to do a kimura
How to create space when mounted
How to shrimp off of your opponent
Appropriate grips when using guard or passing guard
How to take away space when mounting

And, most importantly....

How to reset the guard.

If thats true I feel better about my skills...I think I have most of this covered pretty well. Out of the things on that list "grips to use when passing" is the only thing I need a good amount of help with...the rest I feel good.

Looks like a good list....got most of the basics covered
Tying your belt. Ive seen lots of blues with shitty ass tied belts at tourneys.

Some people like their belt to come undone...when sparring I actually tie my belt to come loose easier. When doing normal drilling and what not during class I'll tie it a different way that stays snug.
need to take a girl from a bar to his place in 15 mins (for blue)
TS you are not going to get any set answer. Some instructors throw belts around like crazy, others have set guidelines and others still only promote based on tournament participation.

How to pull guard properly.
The elements of a gi throw (off-balance, load, drop)
Appropriate guard posture
How to open the closed guard
How to stand in the closed guard
How to do an armbar
How to do a triangle
How to do a RNC
How to do a kimura
How to create space when mounted
How to shrimp off of your opponent
Appropriate grips when using guard or passing guard
How to take away space when mounting

And, most importantly....

How to reset the guard.

I knew all that. 2 years ago. I'm not a blue.

I think a lot of it is being able to control whitebelts using your experience. You have to know all of that, but also you have to know when to apply the moves in a match. I think you also have to understand the fundamental elements of most attacks - i.e. a jointlock requires a 'lever', chokes require a 'root', etc.